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Goals should show history

Currently under the Actions menu of many objects in Aha!, history is available. Goals should also show history so that one can see who's changed status or moved goals on the chart.
Guest almost 9 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Product line goals linking to product goals

We've set goals for our product line and each product team has separate goals that support the goals of the product line. In the strategy diagram, I'd like to show the goals for the product line and then the products and their goals that all suppo...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Strategy 4 Shipped

Sort Initiative Roadmap by Product or Color

The primary sort for the initiatives on the roadmap is by start date. There is no available configuration for the secondary sort, it is hard coded to be alphabetical. I would like to show a different secondary sort (ie by product to show product l...
Jamie Burr almost 9 years ago in Roadmaps / Strategy 6 Shipped

Add Scorecards to to Goals & Initiatives

When developing our overall roadmap, we'd like to weight goals & initiatives to determine which are most important within a product line and across product lines, using different metrics than those used to score features. For example, we'd wan...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Strategy 1 Shipped

Support concept of primary and secondary goals

Often we find that an initiative or feature on one product has a primary goal for which it was conceived, but also a secondary goal that it supports. It would be great to be able to make this difference clear somehow.
Russell Kallman almost 9 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

A tool to build, run, and process customer development interviews

Before I have ideas I need to talk to customers, explore their problems, and categorise their responses. Having a way to capture those interviews in free-form, and then process the notes into problems to address, would be a great way to start exp...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Strategy 3 Shipped

Show competition threat score on the detail view and optionally on the competition list

The threat score is an important, simple metric that helps people identify which competitor(s) they should really read about, comment on, or even subscribe to (in Aha). However, you have to click on and edit each and every competitor to see the th...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Strategy 2 Shipped

Product Logo to appear in Competitive charts

It's great that I can add my product in the same competitive execute/breadth chart, for example, but my product can't contain a logo like the competitors, so it doesn't look good in a notebook report to a CxO. I would like to add a product logo fo...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Strategy -> Initiatives and goals filter improvements

Instead of having just two categories of All and In Progress why not have: All In Progress Not Started Completed Abandoned Currently, if one wants to add a bunch of initiatives that will not be started for months, they are listed right alongside...
Suzanne Vaughan almost 9 years ago in Strategy 2 Shipped

Ability to move goals to different products

At the moment you can move initiatives and features to different products, but not goals. You can even clone a release from one product to another. However you can't move a goal from one product to another. This is a pain when restructuring a larg...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Strategy 7 Shipped