It would be extremely helpful to see a summary all of the competitor attributes (e.g. Products, Key Features, Revenue, Rates, etc...) in a table where you can also insert the like attributes of of your own product. The table should have attributes...
over 6 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Add gmail Quick Actions so action can be taken quickly
This would reduce the number clicks a user would need to take to get to an Aha link embedded within an email (i.e. Comment Notification for an Idea or Feature card).
JIRA has a View Comment and Gmail has a RSVP quick actions that allows a user to ...
Allow to set the created_at time when creating internal comments via API
While setting the "created_at" attribute when creating public comments for ideas via the API works smoothly, the same doesn't work for internal comments. The endpoint used is<IDEA_ID>/comments as a POST r...
Frederik Born
about 8 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
Allow for strategy overview tab names to be configurable and allow for default components to be set at tab level
I am configuring Aha to use with internal IT applications and services. I'd like to be able to use the Strategy Overview to define and display product purpose and other attributes, but the terminology doesn't fit. I know I can completely customize...
about 8 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
Allow resizing of rows in Presentation table editor
Loving being able to use tables in presentations! I have noticed you are not able to grab onto a row and resize it. This is necessary to set a header row to a specific size and not have it grow in height when the table is resized. I notice you can...
Madeleine Black
almost 5 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Add warning text to Custom field Key field description that changing the key value will break integration
We found that changing the key-field string of a custom field will break existing integrations with ADO where the custom field is synced to an ADO field. There is no warning or anything. This is a big risk to us and to the trust that integration r...
Ability to collapase the header region in Features Workflow Board
In the Features - Workflow Board, when the filters are more, the sub title, the title of the page, the filters all take up a lot of space, blocking the view to see the features lined up below. If a toggle switch can be provided to hide the heading...
over 3 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
It would be helpful to be able to embed lists, pivot tables, charts, timelines, hierarchies in an iframe so that they can be embedded into wikis / live documentation, I know you can export images and pdfs but this means that every time the informa...
Wayne Allan
about 8 years ago
in Reports
Already exists