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On Feature Roadmaps, I would like to be able to hide individual epics shown at the top so that i can share features with a key identifying which epic they belong to while retaining the ability to hide epics I don't want to include in customer facing information.

Who would benefit? Product Owners What impact would it make? Better control of messaging and content How should it work? When you choose to include Epics on a Feature level roadmap, you can hide features by hovering over them and selecting the hid...
Wally Elarusi over 1 year ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Add Merged Idea as a field in automation rules

Who would benefit? All Aha users. What impact would it make? In my specific use case we have started adding to-do automation for the assignee when an idea changes status to remind them to update the admin note on the idea. When this happens a to-d...
Jerimiah Rudden over 1 year ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Sort workspaces by the order they appear in the workspace picker

We have organized our workspace hierarchy in a particular way, and would like to have reports (pivot in particular) reflect that order of workspaces. In addition to alphabetic sorting, it would be great to have "hierarchy order" or something like ...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Use field comparisons to trigger automation rules

For example, when the Detailed estimate field changes to a value that is higher than the Initial estimate field, assign a to-do for someone to review.
Guest 5 months ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

A single Ideas Overview dashboard for an ideas portal integrated with multiple workspaces

Who would benefit? Aha users What impact would it make? It helps the business leadership team to look at the ideas statistics belong to different workspaces but a single product family under one umbrella How should it work? The same functionality ...
Ranjit Varghese 11 months ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Project level automation with Jira

Requesting a change to Aha! Jira integration to allow for project level automation. Project level webhooks send payloads differently than system level payloads. If support for project level webhook payloads were added, we could enable multitudes o...
Guest about 2 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Card customizations for within teams (Develop) should include the option to display the card image.

The option to display the card image is available in roadmap workspaces and it can be used to quickly differentiate between a slew of similar looking things on-screen. This is also useful for developers.
Paul C almost 2 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

"Aha! roadmaps for confluence" macro frame size to be configurable

Could it be possible to have the frame adjustable as most of the reports do not fit on the frame?
Juha Välimäki almost 5 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Add activities to schedule template w/ phases

In our organization we have a process that has specific phases w/ specific activities in each phase. It would be helpful to be able to create a schedule template w/ phases and the activities within that phase so we can easily standardize schedules...
Danielle Martinez over 2 years ago in Schedules 0 Future consideration

Aha! Scorecard on Release apply to Master Features and Features

Title. Allow an "Aha! Score" which is applied at the "release" level to allow apply and synchronize to the "linked" Master Features / Features for Product Workspaces.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Releases 2 Future consideration