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My work

Showing 27

Provide original link for My Work linked documents

Who would benefit? Those who save links in My Work What impact would it make? Easier collaboration How should it work? Currently when I'm in My Work and I add a link to another page in the account, there is no way to access the original link. The ...
Emily Yankush about 1 year ago in My work 0 Future consideration

Weekly, monthly report

Who would benefit? PM leadership, cross functional, executives What impact would it make? Save time in synthesizing and updating progress How should it work? A template with connections to the back end where number of epics, i.e. number of feature...
Guest over 1 year ago in My work 0 Future consideration

Bring back the ability view the My Work page for other users

Up until the update today (9/27/2023), we were able to view the My Work page for other users. This was very handy for us to go see what another user might have on their plate. I'm not really understanding why functionality was removed.
Stephen McAdams over 1 year ago in My work 0 Future consideration

Allow "My Work" sidebar to be collapsed and expanded

"My Work" is a great place to store my personal notes and whiteboards. This area would be even more effective for me if I could choose to collapse the lefthand sidebar. The benefits are two-fold: one, I'd like more real estate on my screen to work...
Reilly O'Connor over 1 year ago in My work 0 Future consideration

Customize My work for my workflow

I need the ability to configure My work for my use case. The page is often cluttered with elements that we may never use. Here are a few of the challenges we've run into: Customize My work by persona Customize for novice users. Imagine a cleaner i...
Nathaniel Collum over 1 year ago in My work 0 Future consideration

Customize the data columns displayed in My work

The record lists presented in My work almost display everything I need to know to prioritize my day and take action on the most important work. To really use these pages effectively, I need the ability to customize the data presented in the record...
Nathaniel Collum over 1 year ago in My work 1 Future consideration

Track anything from My work

My work is an effective page for anyone managing records assigned to them. However, PMs often manage work assigned to other people. I want the ability to track specific work from My work, even if it isn't assigned to me. A few quick examples: Key ...
Nathaniel Collum over 1 year ago in My work 0 Future consideration

Please Break Out Epics from Features in My Work View

Currently, Features and Epics are grouped together in the My Work view under features. This is not clearly intuitive and it would be great to see them separately.
Guest about 2 years ago in My work 0 Future consideration

My Work page elements need to auto-refresh when actions are taken

For example, marking tasks complete do not automatically hide upon completion unless you manually refresh the page.
Guest over 2 years ago in My work 0 Future consideration

Add a weekly calendar view in My Work

Show a calendar view of the week/month in My Work so that a user can see what they have worked on in the last week/month and if there are gaps regarding time tracking.
Guest over 2 years ago in My work 0 Future consideration