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Click Release to get to release detail instead of always going to the gantt chart

You have to dig hard to find where the release phases and milestones are listed. I still don't know how to get there directly, I just have to find a Details on the open release to get there.
Guest over 3 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

1 persona per column in the Story Map

In the user story map , it should be possible to assign each column to a different persona. So personas should be depicted on top of the diagram.
Guest over 3 years ago in User story map 1 Future consideration

Be able to have TBC in roadmap if no dates set yet not long extended bars

At the moment - if your creating a roadmap to show your features - so you select by feature start date / end date in custom roadmap, if any of the features do not have dates yet selected, the long extended bars show that make it seem the feature i...
Guest over 3 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

make data from a related record available as a field

currently a related record is only available for reporting as a link, which cannot be used for filters, pivots or sorting. This request asks to make information from the related record to be available as a field (custom or otherwise) so that it ca...
Frank Salvo over 3 years ago in Epics 0 Future consideration

Enable commenting with status changes for ideas

This is mostly for the purpose of emails, but when I change the status of an idea, I usually have a comment to add too. The followers get two subsequent emails but it really should be just one.
Guest over 10 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Unlikely to implement

Allow ability to mass update reports when new product is added

I manage a large group for Product and Product lines in Aha! and have created multiple reports and notebooks that span multiple product lines. The challenge that I have is when I add a new product to the structure I am having to go in and manually...
Kanchan Pasricha almost 7 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Have option to roll up dates only when all children are defined

My use case is that I have an initiative with 2 epics in it. One epic has dates, and the other does not. In this case, I would prefer if the initiative does not inherit dates. This would allow me set initiative dates to calculate off child records...
Topher speth over 3 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Add commas to ideas portal numbers fields

So submitter can tell how many digits the number they've inputted is. Can see the commas once the idea has been submitted, but this isn't helpful to the inputter. We often have folks put in the wrong number because they don't take the time to conf...
Danielle A over 3 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Change default setting for IP access restrictions for ideas portals

We're tightening our internal security around Aha Roadmaps by implementing IP access restrictions. However, according to the documentation: By default, all idea portals will inherit the IP address access requirements set within the account. Respec...
Brian Trombley over 3 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Unlikely to implement

Training Requests

Similar to how we enable users to submit ideas for review through the Ideas Portal, it would be helpful to have a Training Portal where users can submit requests for product training. I would like to be able to measure these requests and tie them ...
Guest over 3 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Already exists