As a dashboard user, I should be able to sort Lists just like I can when accessing a stand-alone list.
Currently, if we add a List as a Panel in a dashboard, the sort function is not available. This is a loss of functionality when compared to working with a stand-alone List and is not the expected behavior for a user interacting with any form of Li...
David Barber
almost 2 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
As a Product Manager, I want to be able to add a standard release cadence and if one of my releases gets delayed, the rest of the releases get pushed back as well. For instance, if we have standard 8-week release schedules and one gets delayed by ...
almost 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
The Prefix for all Master Features is 'E', this is a suggestion to change this globally to M to align with the default terminology.
EG PRODUCT-E-123 should be PRODUCT-M-123 instead.
over 5 years ago
in Epic
Unlikely to implement
Our business strategy team receives cost estimates instead of story points and time. Since story points and hourly pay rate can vary across different teams working on the same features, being able to see how cost estimates roll up from features to...
Currently the release date field is required. But usually when a release is first written up there is no realistic idea for when it might be delivered. For releases that are postponed or of lower priority, the initial entered dates which seemed so...
Brendan G
almost 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Allow child releases for a master release to retain unique names
There are instances where multiple releases exist within the same product workspace that are separated intentionally for visual management. Creating a rollup release causes the children to inherit the parents name, but it would be useful for the c...
Ronnie Merkel
almost 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Have linked releases to goals and initiatives only show work related to that container
Currently the linked releases to an initiative or goal, show all complete and pending stories for the release. If a release is not 1:1 with the initiative or goal, those items are showing work that is not related which gives a false perception to ...
Ronnie Merkel
almost 4 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
When I have initiative planned say for example, 2 releases, first one in the 2nd qtr, 2021 and 2nd one in 4th quarter, 2021, strategic roadmap doesn't reflect it correctly. It shows continues bar going from April 1st, 2021 until end of the year gi...
Ram Dhurjati
almost 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Unlikely to implement
This is not an idea but more of a missed Aha! functionality or bug. When we create features and put them in parking lot with initiatives assigned them, these features are showing up in my roadmap (strategy roadmap) in spite me selecting "hide park...
Ram Dhurjati
almost 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
We would like Development Leads to be able to update status on features & requirements once they have left the planning phase. Ideally, the Dev Lead could update status & add comments once the feature/req gets into the "In Development" phase.
Matt Lavallee
over 9 years ago
in Account settings
Will not implement