We create a product maturity grid along with a product vision that includes MVP (minimal viable product), enhance and compete. Our capabilities are linked to these categories.
The product maturity grid allows us to determine our product maturity b...
almost 9 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Mockups are a great way to tell a user story. While developing new features, mockups are not always designed in the best order to tell that story.
To improve this interaction, it should be possible to reorder the order of the mockups inside a fea...
about 7 years ago
in Mockups
Will not implement
We want to use Aha! as the sole source of truth for competitive analysis and assessment. It would be very useful to be able to perform CSV imports like other parts of the data model. We understand that Aha! supports data entry and exporting throug...
almost 9 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Want to track if individuals are acknowledging ideas assigned to them within 7-days. Would be valuable if we could track the date an idea was first commented on to do so.
Danielle A
over 3 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
As a PM, some uncompleted Feature cards become outdated and would be best revised back down to Ideas.
A bulk manage tool that downgrades Feature cards to Ideas would be very useful. Potential field mapping could be presented to the user...
almost 9 years ago
in Features
Already exists
It would be very beneficial to be able to filter notifications by the author as this will help get the information more quickly when having many users using the system and need to locate a notification by a specific user.
Remember last setting for internal vs. portal comments for ideas
I generally prefer to view and leave internal comments on ideas, but it keeps defaulting to the public portal comments. It would be nice if it remembered the last setting I used so that the next time I view an idea, it shows the internal comments.
Percy Hanna
almost 2 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration