Inside Aha, where we can see the Ideas posted, would be great if we could filter by last activity. So if an old idea gets a new comment, or something like that, we can sort by date.
Or any sort of activity, merge, internal comments, etc...
Provide an ability to apply data formatting and justification settings for cells in pivot tables.
Who would benefit? All users What impact would it make? Numeric information can be configured to be displayed using right justification -- which is the norm. Currently, numeric data in pivot table cells are displayed with a left justification. Con...
Kelwin Y
about 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
I would like the ability to share records (initiatives, releases, epics, and features) as webpages so that I can easily share views from Aha! with non-Aha! users. This is really helpful when I need to quickly share status with users who do not wor...
Nathaniel Collum
about 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
e.g. I have a custom table with a user field, when I put it into a pivot table and use the count method, although I have two entries under that field the count method only shows up as 1 when I would expect it to be 2
Wayne Allan
about 8 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Currently the only way to get back to the folder that contains a report is to use the back button, or to click the name of the report and use the link back to the source folder. It would be great for our executive users especially if there were a ...
about 6 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Is it possible to have Roadmaps set calendar resolution in years
Is it possible to create Strategic Roadmaps in AHA that span years (2021, 2022, 2023 for example)? I’m only seeing options for 3M, 6M, 1Y. I do see under Custom I can expand the dates beyond 1 year and then by Quarters, Months, Weeks and Days. Is ...
Mike Jacobson
about 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Have a simple banded colouring option for requirement rows in pivot table
As a product manager wanting to share pivot tables with other teams, I would like to be able to choose a simple colour scheme for colouring requirement rows. Today I have multiple ways to do this, but most people assume the colours mean something ...
Kevin M
about 3 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
please add filtering by 'assigned to' to the roadmap
Who would benefit? me What impact would it make? makes the roadmap feature more flexible How should it work? just add a filter option to the existing filters
about 1 year ago
in Roadmaps
Already exists