when copying features also copy comments associated with that feature
would be helpful for most users.....seems like it would be a simple tweak since you are able to copy comments today...but the comments don't copy over.
over 7 years ago
in Features
Will not implement
please add filtering by 'assigned to' to the roadmap
Who would benefit? me What impact would it make? makes the roadmap feature more flexible How should it work? just add a filter option to the existing filters
There needs to be improvements to the Reporting navigation. Informational viewers get lost in the Aha! UI for reporting. If you are a viewer, you should have a simple UI experience. For me, it should be directed UI experience.
almost 7 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
we frequently see the need to uplevel a story with many requirements to an initiative level with many stories. Having this functionality would allow us to do this easily
This usually happens when we start to groom a feature and realize it should b...
over 9 years ago
in Features
Already exists
We would like to be able to 'lock down' some fields unless there is approval to change them. For example, Release date (or due date) Budget Designated people in the company would be required to approve any changes to these fields. Along with this,...
Kelly Sebes
about 5 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
I'd love the ability to lock a release's start and finish date, and its children features have to stay within those dates. If they don't provide some kind of feedback or alert that the feature has strayed out of its bounds.
Also, in the Releases...
Max Cascone
over 7 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
Allow exporting the schema of a scorecard through the API
When developing tools which use the Aha! REST API, it can be useful to check the schema that scorecards for a specific workspace/product use, in order to visualize this data. Currently, this can only be achieved by directly loading e.g. Ideas and ...
over 1 year ago
in API
Future consideration