Auto Copy Roadmap Record to Admin Response Upon Work Completion
Our development teams document release note information in Jira. We can pull information from Jira into Roadmaps but we need the ability to automatically copy the release note information to a idea as an Admin Response.
Tom Gardner
over 1 year ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Similar to excel, it would be really nice to have the list lines numbered. I frequently go back and forth between Excel and Aha reports to cross reference data and make updates to Aha fields. However, it is easy to get lost and update the wrong li...
over 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
I need the flexibility to use additional layouts for my personas. Also, need the ability to add custom infographics.
BTW- There is no "Persona" option in the (Choose a category for this idea) below.
over 6 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
I'd like to be able to drag, resize the product boxes in roadmap view to better leverage the page real estate
When creating roadmap views, i'd like to be able to resize and move the product boxes around (but keep them anchored to the timeline) so i can better utilize the page's real estate.
almost 9 years ago
in Presentations
Unlikely to implement
Allow moving of custom table records to other objects
Currently custom tables and their records are permanently associated with an object (i.e., workspace, Epic, Feature, Ideas, etc.) and don't get copied when the parent object is copied and cannot be moved out of an object. It would be best if you c...
Karla Johnson
about 3 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
The options for supporting single sign-on for ideas portal are currently SAML & JWT. Could you add support for OAuth 2.0? All of the services we provide currently to our partners and customers are based on an identity provider which has standa...
Roman Hernandez
almost 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Organisations who use the OKR framework What impact would it make? Connect strategy from corporate level, through teams and to individuals. Connect the corporate red thread of strategy to the personal 'what's in it for me'. Help...
Steve Dagless
10 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Ability to re-arrange filters in a report - shared or non shared report
Who would benefit? All users using reports What impact would it make? Allow the report writer to customize the filtering to follow a logic from report to report as filters could be rearranged How should it work? Report writer can re-arrange the re...
Steven Schafer
10 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Ability to show all features, regardless of feature parent, in a pivot report.
We need to report the status on our Initiatives with the all features associated with the Initiative regardless of where the feature is linked (i.e. directly to the Initiative or to a Master Feature within the Initiative). Specifically, the report...
Teresa Blok
almost 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
When an idea is submitted and promoted to a Feature, many times our team has the same "to do" list and steps to accomplish the work. Can we create custom/standar to do items to appear on every Feature card?
Carolee Snarr
about 4 years ago
in Features
Already exists