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Support one-to-many custom table fields in interactive roadmaps / drill-in

I would like to show my one-to-many custom table fields in presentations and shared webpages with drill-in enabled.
Chrissi McNamara about 2 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Select all function in Filters

The ability to select all for filters based on a key word. In the screenshot, I used the release filter but only wanted to pull one release from each workspace which was Fy22Q1. I entered that to short list the results but then had to click each one.
Fatimah Gorin about 3 years ago in Roadmaps 2 Future consideration

Parent and child phase/feature interaction

When moving a phase or feature within a gantt chart, the system currently allows for the the dependent (child) phases/features to stay in the timeline as they currently are, but highlights the dependency in red. However, this does not show the imp...
Don Fifer over 4 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Show all report types in Roadmaps tab

Overview As a Roadmaps user, I never want the “Roadmaps” tab to show a limited set of pages based on the product type. Challenge If I'm in an Aha! Develop workspace and I want to open a presentation, I have to navigate to a Roadmaps workspace in o...
Nathaniel Collum about 2 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Ability to redefine date range by clicking and dragging (such as an epic or initiative) on a roadmap timeline view

This is a feature I previously had in ProductPlan, and I miss it horribly. Dates for releases, epics, initiatives are constantly in fluctuation, and currently there is no way to auto-adjust or even manually adjust the date ranges when a team gets ...
Guest about 2 years ago in Roadmaps 3 Future consideration

Roadmap report - spacing and alignment

I current create roadmaps using Duration based on release start and end (renamed to project). The roadmap spacing of roadmap items get oddly spaced. This really affects the presentation of the Roadmap. See attachments. Suggestions: Starting fro...
Guest over 6 years ago in Roadmaps 1 Future consideration

please let admin better control the field choices on apply rank to users cannot make bad choice

apply rank opens a picker to let user decide which custom field to apply the rank value to , and that custom field needs to be the field in the mappings that provide update into target tooling (my case, its ADO, stack rank). I see multiple custom ...
Kevin Martin about 1 year ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Remove white space on custom report roadmap column/rows on leftside (make more condense)

The custom report roadmaps with visual bars have the ability to add column/row data on left hand side. However, there is significant white space which makes the report bigger than it needs to be. Is there a way to condense it?
Guest over 3 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

on the features roadmap - allow for custom external date

I would like to use a Current, Next and Future to produce external roadmaps. It would be so nice to use this report but I cannot as it is today.
Maryanne Miller about 1 year ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

As a dashboard user, I should be able to sort Lists just like I can when accessing a stand-alone list.

Currently, if we add a List as a Panel in a dashboard, the sort function is not available. This is a loss of functionality when compared to working with a stand-alone List and is not the expected behavior for a user interacting with any form of Li...
David Barber about 1 year ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration