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My ideas: Epic

Showing 32

Assigned to default should not trigger At Risk badge

What is the challenge? We use the At Risk feature to flag epics, but we also use the default assignment feature. When the assigned to is Default + User Name it still considers it no filled in and labels the Epic At Risk What is the impact? Incorre...
David G 9 months ago in Epic 0 Shipped

Aha will not direct the user to the last epic prioritization page they were on.

What is the challenge? Aha will always direct the user to the last tab they were on. For other view/page like workflow, board or details under feature, it works. But not for prioritization page. Users get confused since Aha can't direct them to ep...
Ashton Tsou 11 months ago in Epic 0 Shipped

Customize record cards -- this needs to be available for cards in whiteboard as well

Who would benefit? All Aha White board users What impact would it make? alleviate pain of going back and forth to look at ranking or priotization or other details How should it work? All the information in Customize record cards in at workspace le...
Guest over 1 year ago in Epic / Whiteboards 3 Shipped

Bulk copy Records (Epics/Features)

We need the ability to bulk copy selected records (e.g. epics / features). How we expect it is implemented We are aware that we can multi-select records on feature boards. After multi-selecting, we want to right click on the selected records and c...
Hank Liu over 1 year ago in Epic 1 Shipped

Remove 'Flag as delivery risk' option from right-click menu when Delivery risks are disabled

When my workspace has delivery risks disabled I am still presented with the option to flag an epic or feature as a delivery risk through the right-click menu on the board view. This is problematic because a record can be flagged as a delivery risk...
Justin Waldorf over 1 year ago in Epic / Features 0 Shipped

Add product score to initiative as well

We are using scores for initiatives as well and we need to carry it over to initiative if and when the idea is promoted.
Kote Khutsishvili over 1 year ago in Epic 0 Shipped

Features inherit Initiative

If you set an Epic on a Feature it should automatically inherit the initiative of the Epic. You could keep some flexibility if you want to allow customers to change the initiative afterwards, but I would be surprised if there was a feature that ma...
Guest over 2 years ago in Epic 0 Shipped

Prioritization should set Epic Rank

The prioritization screen is a great, consolidated way to prioritize epics or features. However, when using this to rank epics and then saving, the rank is not what is reflected in the Epic Rank field. This is still overwritten based on the positi...
Lexy K over 2 years ago in Epic 0 Shipped

When defining a feature I want the pulldown of epics to only show epics from the same project.

Currently the other projects come first so I always have to scroll down masses to find my epics. maybe if ones from the same project came first that would help. Otherwise a config to disallow cross project sharing.
Guest over 2 years ago in Epic 3 Shipped

Scorecard labels need more space again

The recent update of the scorecards (which I generally like) comes with waaay too short labels. Generally I don't see a reason for the cards being so tiny and labels being truncated. Bigger cards, allowing for more (meaningful) content, would be v...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Epic 3 Shipped