Who would benefit? People working alongside a colleague in a whiteboard would be able to easily follow their colleague and easily collaborate and discuss together in a whiteboard. What impact would it make? Makes it easier to work with a colleague...
Max Robbins
over 1 year ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Apply record description template when converting whiteboard objects
Today, converting a whiteboard object to a record will include the name. However, it would be useful to automatically apply the initiative, epic, or feature default description template on creation.
Jeanette Resnikoff
over 1 year ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Whiteboard diagram key that updates shapes automatically
Use case: When I create a workflow diagram, I have repetitive shapes representing specific steps (i.e. process, decision, database, ...). If I decide to change the colour or style of a step, I need to select all the same step shapes and change the...
Julie Price
over 1 year ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Generally, it would be useful to apply filters on whiteboards to show/hide objects based on fields from the linked Roadmap record. For example: In PI Planning, I have a custom "team" field on features. Bringing those records into a whiteboard to v...
Jeanette Resnikoff
over 1 year ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Ability to link a whiteboard record to an existing record in Aha
I am loving the new whiteboard functionality and will be reviewing our use of a competitor (Miro) who has a set of similar functionality. I appreciate that I can create a new Aha record when brainstorming in the whiteboard. However, we often have ...
almost 2 years ago
in Whiteboards
Already exists
Bulk action to restrict sharing on notes and whiteboards for a specific user
Currently, notes and whiteboards are shared individually with stakeholders outside the Aha! system, but also then have to be restricted individually if a person should no longer have access. Please add functionality that would allow administrators...
Kalyndra Craven
almost 2 years ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Don't require a color selection for each sticky note
When brainstorming quickly, it's helpful to be able to pop sticky notes onto a whiteboard, but choosing a color every time slows me down. I would rather have the option to change the color if needed, but have a persistent color selection until tha...
Reilly O'Connor
about 2 years ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Provide a consolidated experience for managing personal and workspace notes
Aha! Create provides a consolidated view for managing notes and whiteboards in a list or calendar view. Within Aha! Roadmaps, this is also available via My work > My notes. However, workspace notes are accessed via a different location -- Info ...
Austin Merritt
about 2 years ago
in Notes / Whiteboards
Future consideration