Moving a feature from the workflow board to the prioritized backlog should automatically unassign it
Who would benefit? All product and develop teams What impact would it make? Ensure the prioritized backlog is tidy How should it work? Moving a feature from the workflow board to the prioritized backlog should automatically unassign it
Support Advanced Custom Layouts in workflows for requirements
Who would benefit? Product Managers and other roles managing requirements during the lifecycle of a product What impact would it make? In many cases (e.g. regulated products) once a requirement is formally approved, it cannot be updated unless it ...
over 1 year ago
in Workflow boards
Future consideration
Enable automations to work with custom "One to Many Relationship" tables
It would be great if we can have automation rules working with "One to Many" relationship type of custom tables. We use a custom table to track risks in issues in multiple record type and would be great to add new records based on a trigger at the...
Edgar Holguin
over 1 year ago
in Workflow boards
Future consideration
When we share screens looking at the workflow board, there is a lot of vertical space taken up by the header, view name, and board controls. It would be good to have a full screen option where the top of the page shows the workflow status and the ...
over 1 year ago
in Workflow boards
Future consideration
Show the 'days in status' for things that are in Not started
Why I want to see this for Not started records: I want to see how long something has been sitting in the prioritized backlog without any movement If something was assigned to someone but is sitting in not started, I want to see how long it's been ...
Todd Meyer
over 1 year ago
in Workflow boards
Future consideration
Do not automatically assign work to a sprint when moved to "in progress"
When I am in either Roadmaps or Develop Teams and I am in a requirement card, at times I want to make the status of that card to be "in progress". I created custom status that is mapped to the standard marketing status workflow. When I change my s...
When I filter out features the board still has the feature count in the column, if you only work with requirements and want to add WIP limits, then the extra "hidden" data types still count towards that limit and show up in the column totals. Hide...
Mike Lowery
over 1 year ago
in Workflow boards
Future consideration
It would be really beneficial to have an option to show Jira Status in any card view as to have more granular detail when you need to communicate with the devs, or to report status to other stakeholders.
Noel Scerri
over 1 year ago
in Workflow boards
Already exists
Improve handling of progress calculation for Develop team work
Features should have a single continuous flow that progresses from Design through Dev and QA, where statuses pick up where the last team left off. I.e., the final status of the record for the Dev team would be “Ready for QA” and map back to a simi...
over 1 year ago
in Workflow boards
Future consideration
There is a fundamental flaw in how you calculate cycle time in develop. It calculated from the 1st in progress step on the workflow. If you rigidly follow each step then it would work fine, but in Kanban you can skip steps if they don't apply. You...
Mike Lowery
almost 2 years ago
in Workflow boards
Future consideration