Please can you add an open / close all function for the swimlanes on the develop board. It's really tedious to have to do it all by hand. Azure devops for example has some keyboard shortcuts for it.
Mike Lowery
over 1 year ago
in Sprints
Future consideration
Analytics and Reporting are part of Develop Advanced, and users in those accounts are able to save list reports. However, some teams use list reports as part of their backlog and sprint management process. They don't need sophisticated analytics, ...
Track the event "Move to Prioritized backlog" in the feature history
As a PM I'm interested in knowing when exactly a technical item (created in Aha! Develop) was moved to the parking lot because I want to know how long it took since the team refined the idea until it was assigned to a sprint
Victor Herrera
almost 2 years ago
in Sprints
Future consideration
Capacity for teams is currently available to set up at a daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly. It would be helpful for teams that are planning sprints, to be able to set a capacity for each item (Theme/epic/feature) per sprint. Once this is done, ...
samir karandikar
over 4 years ago
in Sprints
Future consideration
Ability to Toggle Requirements off and on for Sprint Planning
There is currently a checkbox to hide completed items on the sprint planning board. It would be great for a checkbox bellow it that would hide requirements and only show the current features in play for times when a feature has multiple requiremen...
Justin Paulson
almost 4 years ago
in Sprints
Future consideration
Better scaling for sprint capacity text when planning in time
When planning sprints in time, if minutes are displayed it really squishes the text. My preference would be to either: Scale the text so that everything fits nicely, or Remove mins altogether and update hours to represent the difference (i.e. 6.5h)
Nathaniel Collum
over 2 years ago
in Sprints
Future consideration
Add the ability to approve log time entries in Aha! Develop for payroll purpose
In Aha! Develop, having the possibility to log time entries approval would be great. Doing so, it could have a whole dimension of cost tracking as well and budgeting. Combined with time planning capacity per employee would top it all.
Anh-Tuân Légaré
about 3 years ago
in Sprints
Future consideration
Some development teams use a scoring system for prioritizing their backlog. Teams using Aha! Develop with Aha! Roadmaps have access to this scoring functionality, but teams on Develop Essentials do not. Add support for Aha! Scorecards to Develop E...
Jeff Tucker
over 3 years ago
in Sprints
Future consideration