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User story map

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Decouple epics and stories on User Story Maps

User story mapping is such a great technique for visually planning out upcoming work, especially across releases. It is a bit frustrating, however, that stories associated to an epic cannot be split across different steps. I routinely have stories...
Jeff Poulton almost 3 years ago in User story map 1 Future consideration

Keep User Story Map Steps Visible

It would be helpful to keep the steps in a user story map visible when scrolling down on the page. Essentially, like in Excel freeze the steps row at the top so it's always visible on the page.
John Peterson over 1 year ago in User story map 1 Future consideration

Simplify adding existing Epics and Features to a User Story Map

When creating a new user story map, you usually add steps and then you might want to add existing records like Epics and Features under these steps. But adding an existing Epic or Feature from the "Add existing records" panel will just add those i...
Guest over 2 years ago in User story map 0 Future consideration

Bigger tiles in User Story Maps

You should allow the possibility to increase the size of tiles in User Story Maps, like 2X , 4X, 8X. User stories are so long that it's hard to distinguish them with the starting words, are they are all similar. Thanks
Guest over 2 years ago in User story map 1 Future consideration

Allow more than one column of features under one epic

Users can easily create new columns in their user story map. If a user adds two columns but only has one epic parent then assume all features under and to the right are children of that epic. It could be pseudo coded such as something like (featur...
Guest about 4 years ago in User story map 0 Future consideration

user stories - reviewers should be able to expand/collapse releases

In the User Story view, reviewers are not able to expand and collapse the releases to see features listed within the releases. We have a very large team and therefore a large number of people with Reviewer level access who still need to be able to...
Guest almost 5 years ago in User story map 0 Future consideration

Add existing epics to specific user story step

Right now when I add an existing epic to a user story, it shows up in the left-most column and I have to drag it to the correct step. I would like a way to specify which step the epic should be placed into.
Guest almost 5 years ago in User story map 1 Future consideration

User Story Map - Hide columns and Steps - Step Status

As you work through releases for a story, you complete the development or work needed for steps. it would be great as you complete steps that you can mark a step complete or select to hide steps. this would make looking at the story easier as you ...
Steve Podzamsky about 5 years ago in User story map 0 Future consideration

Provide addition presentation layouts for story maps

Our UX team has started to create story maps to evaluate workflows but they would like to associate steps to personas and show them in swim lanes to better explain the workflow in a presentation slide. Also the box for the step which when the step...
Joe Granville over 5 years ago in User story map 1 Unlikely to implement

Rename "Step" terminology in User Story Map

As a trainer of Product Owners, I need a way to rename the terminology in a user story map, specifically "step," so that it will match our internal terminology, and leads to less confusion in adopting the user story map feature.
Alicia Bosserman over 5 years ago in User story map 0 Unlikely to implement