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I need to understand how many unique clients are voting on ideas

We use the idea board to gain insight into our customer needs. The sizes of our customer vary widely and when the larger companies submit an idea, they send an internal blast to their users to vote on the idea. This skews the data and makes it dif...
Joanne I about 2 years ago in Voting 0 Already exists

Ability to edit feature Type field

For adding new value like Tech Debt for architecture runway items
Ronit Binshtok about 2 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

Add a warning dialog to the "Rerank by..." option

So that someone doesn't (as ofter) undo all the manual ranking work, since the menu makes it looks a lot like a sort option, not a "this will change your data" option.
Bjorn Aannestad about 2 years ago in Releases 1 Already exists

BUG - Unable to see dates in the future in UI

Hi, I have roadmap/releases/gantt diagram, showing releases, but in latest Chrome, I am unable to scroll to right, to see other content. This makes AHA unusable for me. Could you fix it
Guest about 2 years ago in Releases 0 Already exists

Support emojis in tags

It would be really neat if we could add emojis as a tag. The thought was that we could add items like stars and hearts to our releases to indicate which ones are really exciting to our stakeholder.
Guest about 2 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Ability to sort initiatives

We use initiatives to track packages of work - if you amend or create a new initiative as part of development, there isn't a way (currently) to be able to sort the list - any new initiative gets added to the top and can then be out of order. the o...
Guest about 2 years ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

Create a report with all implemented ideas including admin comments

I sometimes want to share a list of all the ideas we've last implemented since we talked to a particular customer. I often use a report created in Aha as a starting point, since it's very easy to list all ideas with status implemented. We even hav...
Tobias Lehtipalo over 2 years ago in Notes 3 Already exists

Sort releases by date in Roadmaps

Releases, when displayed on Roadmaps, should sort by release date, not alphabetically
David Strathy-Miller over 2 years ago in Roadmaps 3 Already exists

Add milestones to Roadmaps

Sometimes there are specific milestones that need to be tracked at the roadmap level. It would be nice if i could add milestones to gantt charts if there are hard items we are tracking against, like scheduled deployments, and show those milestones...
Guest over 2 years ago in Product 0 Already exists

Improve responsiveness of cloning/creating new features

When we create features, there is not a validation message of the newly created feature (preferably including a link to it). We just see the button "saving" and then stopping. The idea is to give more feedback to the user that a feature was create...
Guest over 2 years ago in Features 1 Already exists