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Chart Column - add option for "Idea Created Week"

There is the option to have columns by Month and Year, but by Week would be very helpful for each weekly reporting to management.
Kyle Crawford about 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Starter roadmap - Epics without a start date should default to the start date of the release they belong, which is the current behaviour for features.

We noticed unexpected changes to some epic records relating to their start date. Currently, if a user views an epic in the starter roadmap and the start date is not defined, the date will default to the current date. For features, the start date w...
Jeff Spiegelman about 2 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Show which release a feature is assigned to in the master feature details slide-out

When planning master features/epics, I need to see which releases the master feature spans across by seeing which releases the sub-features are assigned to. This information would be displayed in a third column in the feature list on the master fe...
Grant Smith over 6 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Include Features in linked records visualization On Epic- Details - Related tab

No description provided
Guest about 2 years ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

I would like to suggest that "comments" created on the Aha!-side of the Aha!-Salesforce integration be transmitted back to Salesforce

Communication between Aha! and Salesforce is essential and by allowing comments made in Aha! to flow into Salesforce, this helps save time and alerts Salesforce-preferred users to be kept current with the latest information entered from Aha!
Guest over 6 years ago in Comments / Notifications 1 Future consideration

Enable filters on reports shared as websites

Often times, we share reports that are list or pivot as web pages with customers/stakeholders (especially sharing the upcoming stories in the next PI). It is very inconvenient for them to have to go through pages without the ability to filter the ...
Arun Kalyanaraman about 3 years ago in Presentations / Reports 0 Future consideration

Filter or type search the "Integration" list when sending/linking records with a development tool

We have multiple integrations in place in our workspace, and when pushing a release from Aha! to Jira, there is a long list of integrations to pick from. The problem is that there is no way to sort or filter the listed integrations, so you have to...
Dale Potter about 3 years ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration

Presentation Snapshot - Mass Edit Update Frequency

In our workflows, there are frequent needs to mass edit update frequency on all slides of a presentation. It is very inconvenient of having to do this slide by slide all the time. For the record out of hundreds of the presentations that we do have...
Alex B over 4 years ago in Presentations 1 Future consideration

Forward email as task directly into Aha!

Customer request I get a lot of emails, and I'd like to be able to easily forward these emails into aha! so that they become tasks. It would be great if I could forward to an email alias including users, it assign a task. Adding multiple cc's cou...
Chris Waters over 9 years ago in  2 Future consideration

Allow an Aha! Develop team to have more than 1 active sprint

We have a single Develop team, but we would like to have separate active sprints (in parallel) for that team to work on two platforms (Android and iOS). The main reason behind having separate sprints for both platforms is having better visibility ...
Dale Potter about 2 years ago in Sprints 0 Future consideration