when a requirement is added as a dependency to a feature, it should show up as a requirement
We often want to link one requirement to multiple features by making a requirement dependent on multiple features. However, when we make this link we are only able to see the requirement under the related to tab
almost 3 years ago
in Dependencies
Unlikely to implement
Dependency visualisation across all product related feature
Would be great to have a visualisation of all feature dependencies within a product.
Right now the dependency visualisation exist between features, but that cannot be used to map all feature dependencies within a product.
Christian Pryds
over 6 years ago
in Dependencies / Reports
Unlikely to implement
Allow for Feature Dependencies to roll up to releases
You can currently add a dependency between features and also between releases. It seems logical that if two dependent features exist in separate releases then the releases are by definition dependant on one another. It would be nice to see this on...
When one of the feature is dependent on another feature, it will be great have a check on the status of each of the features so that the Dependent Feature should not be moved in "Commit" state before its corresponding dependencies are satisfied.
There is an approval process before a feature/release is record linked (set as a dependency) to another feature/release
This is useful for us since on how we use AHA, its our technical guys who does the linking of dependencies in terms of other features/releases to another. There are internal processes in terms of approval before a certain dependency (record link) ...
Automatically include links in dependency vizualization
I love the visual dependency map. One enhancement I would like to see considered is that initiatives that have other initiatives roll up into them should show automatically in the dependency map even though an explicit "link" has not been establis...
The new Roadmap "Starter" report is very cool way to visually build roadmaps against multiple products. However I would not call this a report, this is a missing functionality to the releases section.
This feature needs the ability to visually dr...
Coalesce common dependencies in the dependency map
Right now, I have a task which depends on several other tasks, and some ofthose depend on the same underlying tasks. An example of this would looklike:
A / | \B | C \ | / D
I would expect the dependency map view to draw a line between B&D as ...
I'm glad to see the dependency map feature appear. However, I notice it doesn't just show dependencies, it also shows "relates to" relationships. On the map, they are indistinguishable, which is confusing. It would be great if I could limit the ty...