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Add missing Rally built in fields "Actual End Date", "Actual Start Date", "Investment Category", "Investments" in Aha! under Integration field mapping

The following fields are available in Rally but are not available in Aha to do field mapping under Aha to Rally Integration. Please add these fields so that teams can map them. Rally Built in field names that are not available in Aha! for mapping ...
Uma Prabhala almost 5 years ago in Features / Rally 0 Shipped

Add missing Rally built in fields "Project" and "Leaf Story Plan Estimate Total" in Aha! under Integration field mapping

The following fields are available in Rally but are not available in Aha to do field mapping under Aha to Rally Integration. Please add these fields so that teams can map them. Rally Built in field names: Project Leaf Story Plan Estimate Total
Uma Prabhala almost 5 years ago in Rally 4 Shipped

Add 2-way integration mapping for release start and end dates

Release start date can currently only be mapped 1-way from Aha! to Jira (or any development system.) This is because that date used to be calculated based on features and phases in the release. Now that this date is set manually, it should be poss...
Austin Merritt almost 5 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server  / Integrations / Jira / Rally 3 Shipped

Sync with the Blocked field in CA/Rally

The Blocked field is an important status identifier in the CA/Rally process that acts like a toggle rather than a defined status value. It would be helpful to understand and be able to convey this blocked state to the product owner in Aha!
Guest almost 6 years ago in Rally 1 Shipped

Add integration from Aha field to Preliminary Estimate field in Rally

I would like to fill out a T-shirt size estimate in Aha, and when I send to the Rally integration I'd like it to populate in the Preliminary Estimate field. Currently I do not have that ability in my integration mappings.
Guest almost 7 years ago in Rally 0 Shipped

Include master features in Rally integration

I wish I could have this option: Master Feature > Solution Capability, Feature > Feature, Requirement > User Story This way I could send overview-level requirements and portfolio groupings over to my friends in delivery. My workaround is ...
Guest over 7 years ago in Rally 0 Shipped

Push Aha Initiatives to Rally Epic

Aha should be focused on managing the full lifecycle of the agile process. Today you can only link a feature to an epic when I really need to link an initiative to an epic. I would like the Rally integration to be like the Like the JIRA integratio...
Guest over 7 years ago in Rally 0 Shipped

Rally Integration - Need option of Feature -> Feature and Requirements -> User Stories

Today, the closest option to what I'm asking is Feature -> Feature and Requirements -> Engineering Features. Would you be able to add one more option as that's how our development process has been agreed? Thanks,Geoffrey
Geoffrey Kim almost 8 years ago in Rally 0 Shipped

Option to sync fields to Rally upon creation only

When creating a record in Rally there are certain items that should be populated upon creation but not synced with subsequent updates. For example, currently when creating or updating a record in Rally, Portfolio items are ordered based on their c...
Matt Case almost 8 years ago in Rally 0 Shipped

Map a release in Aha! to a milestone in Rally

No description provided
Deirdre Clarke almost 8 years ago in Rally 21 Shipped