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My votes: Jira

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New "child" records not imported from Jira

What is the challenge? Records are being skipped in the Jira integration if they are linked to a parent record in another workspace. This happens specifically when the webhook to create the child record includes the parent record. What is the impa...
Dale Potter 30 days ago in Jira 0 Planning to implement

Allow integrations such as Jira at the Product Line level

Integrations may be common across products within the same product line. It would save time and the possibility to make setup mistakes if these integrations can be setup one level higher
Steve C over 2 years ago in Jira 5 Planning to implement

Include comments when importing from Jira

When you initially import issues from Jira the Jira comments are not included. This means I have to copy them across manually for every issue - very time consuming. (Comments added to Jira subsequently do appear in Aha.) Please can you include Jir...
Guest over 8 years ago in Jira 5 Planning to implement

Add 2-way integration mapping for release start and end dates

Release start date can currently only be mapped 1-way from Aha! to Jira (or any development system.) This is because that date used to be calculated based on features and phases in the release. Now that this date is set manually, it should be poss...
Austin Merritt over 4 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server  / Integrations / Jira / Rally 3 Planning to implement

Provide error if the Jira webhook "Exclude body" checkbox is selected

When configuring a webook in Jira, there is a checkbox: ☐ "Exclude body" Request with empty body will be sent to the URL. Leave unchecked if you want to receive JSON. If someone accidentally checks that, Aha! won't get any updates. There is no log...
Emily Yankush almost 2 years ago in Jira 0 Planning to implement