Apply Template when creating Release from the Master Release
When creating a child release from the master release, allow the user to apply a product template to the created release. This will allow the Sub-Release to have all of the steps etc. required. Currently, the user either needs to create the releas...
Stephen Morse
over 5 years ago
in Releases
Will not implement
Allow additional fields to be added to Release Dependency VIsualization
Currently, the Visualization link in the Release Record links only shows the Release Name and Release Status. I'd like to add other fields such as, but not limited to, Release Date.
Release attachments should be linked to a record in VSTS
like any other fields, the attachments on releases should be able to be pushed by Aha to VSTS as an attachment. We use release as an EPIC in VSTS so any release attachments should come to VSTS as EPIC attachment
over 6 years ago
in Releases
Will not implement
Add more functionality to Status "on hold" / "project complete"
I would like Aha to stop acting on a release if the status changes to "Project Complete" or "On hold / will not do". Today if I select on hold this has no influence on Overdue dates for example. Assigned people still get daily reminders - that doe...
over 6 years ago
in Releases
Will not implement
In the Release Roadmap, allow user stories / phases to be dragged up or down instead of the current inability to re-shuffle the order items are listed in
The Release roadmap would be much enhanced by the added flexibility to move items around, and it would make editing the release roadmap to showcase shifting timelines/priorities much simpler.
over 6 years ago
in Releases
Will not implement
As a Release Manager, I can format the ship notes to maximize readability and comprehensive by the recipients of the resulting message.
Today, the message delivered ignores the formatting and splits the content into multiple white "boxes". Indent...
Tom Beck
over 6 years ago
in Releases
Will not implement
Group releases which are at status "will not do" in a similar way to 'Shipped' releases in the Starter Roadmap release selection list and other similar lists
Currently in the list of releases in the "Starter Roadmap" it displays a full list of all releases which are not at 'Shipped' status (followed by the 'Shipped' releases). As this 'live/scheduled' list of releases builds up over time there are plen...
Adam Kendall
about 7 years ago
in Releases
Will not implement
Add the Status label to Release Roadmap on Features included in the Roadmap
It would be useful because there isn't a legend that shows the color coded status states and for some it is easier to see the written status as opposed to knowing which status is which color. Gives the ability for me to see what status my tickets ...
over 7 years ago
in Releases
Will not implement
Having more than 1500 products it is time consuming to ship Sub releases one by one.
It would be very helpful to select all (or at least a number) of them at the same time
Monica Rossi
over 7 years ago
in Releases
Will not implement