Right now the Gantt charts are basic to the point of being (possibly) less than a MVP tool. For example, there appears to be no way to create dependancies to a milestone, such as a ship date. Why not? This is somewhat related to https://big.ideas....
Make it easy to move features from one product to another, or create a dependency in another product
We have master and child products (platforms and products built on the platform). Often times, we have a feature in a child that requires updates to the platform. to do that we have to navigate to another product, add the feature, go bck to the ch...
Automatically set feature dates in a phase based on estimates and dependencies
When features all have estimates and dependencies and are assigned to phases, I’d like to be able to say “begin as soon as possible” and have all feature start dates be updated automatically within a phase, based on those estimates and dependencies.
Chris Waters
over 9 years ago
in Dependencies
Unlikely to implement
There is a requirement that seems to be missing in Aha!.
I would like to create a dependency between Goal 1 of Release 1 of Product A that is dependent on Release 1 of Product B so that the external dependency shows on the Gantt Chart.