Dependencies in to-dos / Related to-dos / disabled to-dos based on conditions
We want to create a list of to-dos where each to-do only would being active after previous to-do is marked as completed by all assigned people. That would allow to create multiple to-dos at once without irritating people by assigning to-dos they c...
I would like the ability to have the dependency icon stay visible or pin it if there is something in that field, (if there are no records, the field should not show) versus having to hover looking for it. Additionally, currently when I hove it it'...
Fatimah Gorin
over 3 years ago
in Dependencies / Roadmaps
Future consideration
Dependency Report - Provide columns on Primary record instead of concatenating the fields together
On the dependency report - we often want to put the AHA feature ref ID; the name of the feature and add a tag. Providing more than one piece of information to make it useful to the user as they view the dependencies to the related records that can...
Robyn Ballard
over 3 years ago
in Dependencies / Reports
Future consideration
When we are dependent on say another feature, if that feature's date changes, I never know about it unless I check on the status. I know I can add myself as a watcher but would get updates on everything and I'm really only interested if the due da...
Allow the screen to scroll when setting a dependency
When I have a multi-line gantt chart with lines below the edge of my monitor, the screen will not scroll down to allow me to drag a dependency from the top of the chart to an object at the bottom of the chart.
Offer the "Visual Dependency" graphical view as standard report across multiple features
The new ability to link Jira Links to Dependencies is a huge advantage for roadmap planning. It is however limited in that the reporting on dependencies can only be basic listing reports. AHA! already has a great visualization for dependency but i...
Ability to edit Dependency types within the link. Currently, user needs to delete dependency and create new one. For example, as a user, if I label a dependency "Depends on" and the dependency type should be "relates to", I should be able to chang...
Josh Tambor
almost 5 years ago
in Dependencies / Features
Future consideration
Automatically include links in dependency vizualization
I love the visual dependency map. One enhancement I would like to see considered is that initiatives that have other initiatives roll up into them should show automatically in the dependency map even though an explicit "link" has not been establis...
Keep history of record links being added and removed
What is the challenge? Today there is no history of linking between records. So if a record was linked it's not recorded in both records history. Further if someone removed a link there is no trail either. What is the impact? We use linking to con...
Becky Amirault
23 days ago
in Dependencies
Future consideration
Allow Portfolio Initiatives that use 'Work Requests' in other products that are accepted as ideas, which are then promoted to initiatives in the product to have the ability to automatically connect back with a 'dependency of' relationship to the Portfolio Initiative
What is the challenge? Use Case/Scenario: We have a business problem where Aha Products are receiving both Ideas and Work requests and need to prioritize the potential resulting work effort. Business Problem we are trying to solve: When a Aha Prod...
Mike Jacobson
about 1 month ago
in Dependencies
Future consideration