Support advanced filtering (custom fields) on the workflow board
I want more control over filtering cards on the workflow board. For example, I'd like to be able to filter all of the cards based on the value of a custom field I've added.
Mark D
over 3 years ago
in Workflow boards
Future consideration
I would like to be able to limit use of an extension to a set of users. For example, if I have an extension to deploy code to production, I would like to limit it so that only an ops team and team leads can trigger it.
Justin Weiss
over 3 years ago
in Extensions
Future consideration
Allow each team to provide an independent set of tags on a feature
Looking at the tags field on a develop feature, it inherits all of the tags from my main roadmaps workspace. This isn't the behaviour I'd expect, I would expect a develop team to have its own unique set of tags of primary relevance to them. In pla...
It can be tough to focus on replaying the webhook I need with a firehose of other requests coming in. It'd be great to be able to filter down with plaintext matchers and pause the live updates so I can keep replaying the same request as I build/de...
over 3 years ago
in Extensions
Future consideration
If a feature gets assigned to a team member I'd like for the team field to get auto populated. If the developer is a member of 2 teams I'm not sure what to do. Maybe if its an automation and is per work space you could decide what team based on th...
Justin Weiss
over 3 years ago
in Development / Features
Future consideration
Ability to bulk change the team status on features or requirements
Sometimes a feature ships but some of its requirements are not marked as done by the developer. Currently we need to manually update the status on each requirement's page in order to stop it from displaying in the backlog.
Kelly Sebes
over 3 years ago
in Sprints
Future consideration
Ability to Toggle Requirements off and on for Sprint Planning
There is currently a checkbox to hide completed items on the sprint planning board. It would be great for a checkbox bellow it that would hide requirements and only show the current features in play for times when a feature has multiple requiremen...
Justin Paulson
over 3 years ago
in Sprints
Future consideration
Customize card layouts on the workflow board with extensions
Challenge: I tried to make an extension that would highlight "aging" cards on the board so everyone could quickly see tickets that were stuck. Desired experience: I want to be able to change how the cards look on the workflow board with an extension.
Challenge: At times I just want to tweak a tiny detail for an extension. The common steps to check out the repo for an extension takes a lot of steps. Desired experience: I want to be able to edit the extension directly from Aha! Develop.
Jeremy Wells
over 3 years ago
in Extensions
Future consideration