I would like the ability to create, assign and manage sprints within a release, and link features to the sprint. Currently, I set sprints up as Phases within a release to do this. The issues with this workaround are: I cannot link a Phase from Aha...
almost 3 years ago
in Sprints
Already exists
We like weekly product roadmapping digest from Aha. We are looking for ways to create weekly/bi-weekly reports that tracks additional metrics such as sprint/release velocity, point burndowns, etc. and how these metrics are trending over time from ...
Work moves in and out of my sprints day-by-day. I want a way to see only what's been added to the sprint so I can understand why they're not converging to their ideal state.
Track the event "Move to Prioritized backlog" in the feature history
As a PM I'm interested in knowing when exactly a technical item (created in Aha! Develop) was moved to the parking lot because I want to know how long it took since the team refined the idea until it was assigned to a sprint
Victor Herrera
almost 2 years ago
in Sprints
Future consideration
On the feature board, in the small card size view, adding feature type icons would make it a much better view for getting an idea of what's going on in a release. Would be a nice alternative to text description of feature for the large card size v...
Suzanne Vaughan
almost 10 years ago
in Backlogs
Planning to implement
Allow extending aha.auth for building new importers
Who would benefit? Users of Aha! Develop who build custom exporters What impact would it make? Right now, it is unclear how to build an exporter with regards to authentication. The aha.auth API only supports authentication with services for which ...
Alexey Zimarev
about 1 year ago
in Extensions
Unlikely to implement
Capacity for teams is currently available to set up at a daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly. It would be helpful for teams that are planning sprints, to be able to set a capacity for each item (Theme/epic/feature) per sprint. Once this is done, ...
samir karandikar
over 4 years ago
in Sprints
Future consideration
Ability to view and edit "people" without having to go to a capacity report
Currently the only way to edit "people" is to go to their team in the config, or via a capacity report. eg change their schedule. It would seem to make more sense to see this data in the users profile (with the correct permissions).