Work moves in and out of my sprints day-by-day. I want a way to see only what's been added to the sprint so I can understand why they're not converging to their ideal state.
Filter Workflow board in Aha Develop by product workspace from Aha Roadmaps
I need to filter the workflow board in Aha Develop by product workspace from Aha roadmaps. I have 3-4 product workspaces from Aha roadmaps flowing to the same Dev team in Aha Develop. I need to be able to filter the workflow board by product works...
Travis Hampton
over 3 years ago
in Workflow boards
Already exists
Need a visual indicator that a Develop sprint was created
Noticed that when creating a new sprint, there is no visual indication that a new sprint has been created, or where it has gone. We had created and used one sprint, and went to create a second one for the next sprint, but the new sprint seemingly ...
over 3 years ago
in Sprints
Already exists
Currently cannot go back and see the completed Sprints, once an active Sprint is flagged as "Complete Sprint". Need this for sizing reference and auditing of retrospectives and other info in the Sprint Theme. In the attached example we completed s...
Clark Milner
over 3 years ago
in Sprints
Already exists
Use different custom layouts depending on feature status
When a feature hasn't been started, I'm mostly concerned with planning and requirements. But once it's ready for deployment, I want to see fields about the associated PR and staging environment. I want Develop to let me specify which fields should...
Jeff Tucker
over 3 years ago
in Workflow boards
Already exists