Improve handling of progress calculation for Develop team work
Features should have a single continuous flow that progresses from Design through Dev and QA, where statuses pick up where the last team left off. I.e., the final status of the record for the Dev team would be “Ready for QA” and map back to a simi...
over 1 year ago
in Workflow boards
Future consideration
TODO strike-through colour is too bright in dark mode
The strike-through colour on TODO titles is not properly themed for dark mode and this makes completed TODO titles hard to read. Other UI elements might have the same issue
over 1 year ago
in Development / To-dos
Future consideration
In Jira, it is possible to map multiple statuses to a column within a Jira board. This functionality is not present in Aha! develop and there isn't a way to effectively have multiple workflow boards at this time without negatively impacting status...
almost 2 years ago
in Workflow boards
Future consideration
If you have multiple Requirements under a Feature it would be good to couple the feature to last completing requirement so it moves across the associated Sprint to completion. If optional then can retain current way of working too. Similar concept...
Don't automatically add work from the dev parking lot to the team board
The backlog page on the dev team site adds extra steps that are unneeded, it takes 3 steps to put it on the board. As a Kanban team we don't want to have to go through all these steps just to show something in a ready column. However if you turn o...
For team members that need to see Workflow flows but don't necessarily need to be in Aha, it would be great if we could embed the Workflow view into a web page.
Kathy Landon
over 2 years ago
in Workflow boards
Future consideration
Better scaling for sprint capacity text when planning in time
When planning sprints in time, if minutes are displayed it really squishes the text. My preference would be to either: Scale the text so that everything fits nicely, or Remove mins altogether and update hours to represent the difference (i.e. 6.5h)
Nathaniel Collum
over 2 years ago
in Sprints
Future consideration
Users should be able to create Develop Automation rules at the account level so they do not have to rebuild them every time they create a new Develop team. Currently, users need to copy and move automation rules whenever they create a new Develop ...
Aha! Develop allows teams to have a unique layout for features and requirements. This helps them see the information they need for development, while hiding the information they don't. Please support this for epics as well.
Jeff Tucker
over 2 years ago
in Backlogs / Epic
Future consideration