What is the challenge? When I create a new sprint the start date, is the same date as the end date of the last sprint. What is the impact? I have to change the date to the next day. Describe your idea Add one more day to the start date of the next...
Mike Lowery
6 months ago
in Sprints
Future consideration
What is the challenge? When running standup (or in other team ceremonies), we often call out a card by its number (CORE-XXX) instead of its name. What is the impact? We scan the current board while looking for the card in question. This is a daily...
6 months ago
in Workflow boards
Future consideration
What is the challenge? We cannot associate a Release with a Team What is the impact? We cannot do necessary analysis in assigned Releases, commitment and deadline scores etc - stuff outside of Capacity. Describe your idea Allow the core Teams fiel...
What is the challenge? Having retrospectives is an important scrum practice, at the moment it's pretty manual. go to documents create a whiteboard add a copy of the end of sprint review insert a retrospective template. What is the impact? It's jus...
Add a throughput report to help Kanban teams with Service Level Estimates
What is the challenge? There currently is no way to calculate SLEs inside of Aha!. What is the impact? I have to export the data to a spreadsheet and then calculate it myself. Describe your idea Add a report that looks at team performance and calc...
Mike Lowery
8 months ago
in Agile reports
Future consideration
What is the challenge? People are notoriously bad at estimating, points or hours are equally bad, and often people feel pressured into lower estimates, making the problem worse. What is the impact? Accurate sprint planning is hard to do and repeat...
Mike Lowery
8 months ago
in Sprints
Future consideration
What is the challenge? It's great that we have way of showing how long items have been in a column but it you have to look at every record to find the old ones. What is the impact? Some stalled work gets missed Describe your idea Add a feature to ...
Mike Lowery
8 months ago
in Sprints
Already exists
New requirements that are created under a parent feature that is already in the prioritized backlog should automatically be placed in the prioritized backlog.
What is the challenge? New requirements that are created under a parent feature that is placed in the prioritized backlog is placed in another area of the workboard. The user then has to find the new requirement and move it to the prioritized back...
When creating a new requirement under an existing feature we would like the option of assigning the requirement.
What is the challenge? Sometimes a feature will be assigned to a developer and another developer creates a requirement under the same feature and starts working on it. Today the new requirement will automatically be assigned to the same person the...