Expand/Collapse Status Columns in Develop Work flow Board
Please consider adding the ability to expand and collapse status on the columns in Develop Work flow Board. Doing so will eliminate the need to scroll when columns are blank or irrelevant.
Direct action to 'send to prioritized backlog' from Roadmaps feature
What is the challenge? I manage features in monthly releases and parking lots in Roadmaps. We also use Develop for sprint planning. I often need to move a feature to the prioritized backlog in Develop when I am working from the Roadmaps features b...
Allow new Develop teams to be added to existing PIs
Who would benefit? Teams using Aha! Develop who are growing and adding new groups of developers. What impact would it make? This would make it possible to easily expand to new teams without having to involved Aha! Engineering or reset all PI setup...
Austin Merritt
about 1 year ago
in Sprints
Order of features on Sprint board should persist on workflow board in Aha! Develop
When starting a sprint, the rank/order of features will persist on the workflow board. As soon as I click and drag the order on the sprint board, these changes do not persist on the workflow board.
Allow an Aha! Develop team to have more than 1 active sprint
We have a single Develop team, but we would like to have separate active sprints (in parallel) for that team to work on two platforms (Android and iOS). The main reason behind having separate sprints for both platforms is having better visibility ...
Users can prioritize work in Aha! Develop only by ordering the features. Sometimes, we have emergent work appear that doesn't follow our typical prioritization process. We need to highlight these issues on the workflow board so the team has the ab...
I've also been asked by a colleague if it could be possible to have multiple backlogs within a team, to enable richer/more powerful planning through the division/segregation of backlogs. I suggested to use tags, and filter - but the workflow board...
My team plans out several sprints in advance. When a developer finishes their tasks early during a sprint, I'd like for them to pull work from an upcoming sprint. The sidebar in Aha! Develop allows access only to the prioritized backlog. I'd like ...
Develop Contributor Role - Grant permission to promote Roadmap Ideas into Develop User Stories.
Develop Contributor Role - Grant permission to the Develop Contributor Role enabling this role the ability promote Roadmap Ideas into Develop User Stories.