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My ideas: Development

Showing 164

Add risk filter to Aha! Develop boards

What is the challenge? You cannot filter a workflow board in Aha! Develop via a records delivery risk. What is the impact? It would be helpful to only display records that are at risk (i.e. because the record has no estimate or assignee) so that t...
Chris Quigley 2 days ago in Development 0

Add AI to the develop side in order to analyze backlogs, sprints, features etc.

What is the challenge? Would like to use AI to help find inconsistencies with backlog items, or analyze the efficiencies/inefficiencies of sprints What is the impact? AI has been added in several places in Aha! but not over in Develop. Describe yo...
Jennifer Lange 2 days ago in Development 2 Future consideration

Add ability to "move to top" or "move to bottom" of prioritized backlog

What is the challenge? If we have a high priority feature come in and we use the "send to prioritized backlog" function it automatically sends it to the bottom. Or if priorities have changed we have to hand drag items around in the prioritized bac...
Jennifer Lange 2 days ago in Backlogs 0 Future consideration

I would like to see an easy to use RACI template

What is the challenge? Tracking roles/responsibilities across a project is difficult without an outline What is the impact? Using other software or manually creating RACI Describe your idea A simple RACI Matrix that can be added to a white board
Guest 17 days ago in Workflow boards 0 Future consideration

I want to be able to move work to a different Aha! Develop team when we finish our work.

What is the challenge? Our work needs to be sent to a different team once we have finished development. The testers are on another team. This leads to duplication of work and issues working out where things should be. We can add them to our board ...
Mike Lowery 17 days ago in Development / Test management / Workflow boards 0 Future consideration

Timer extension without capacity planning

What is the challenge? Our team would like a good idea of how long it takes us to complete types of work, however we do not want to fully dive into capacity planning. What is the impact? Using the timer is helpful, however the capacity planning el...
Guest 20 days ago in Extensions 0 Future consideration

Filter using Feature location in Aha! Develop

What is the challenge? Currently, you cannot filter records within Aha! Develop screens, like the parking lot by the feature location field (backlog management, sprint, workflow board etc.) What is the impact? This would allow teams to filter the ...
Chris Quigley 20 days ago in Development 0 Future consideration

Add different icons for estimate fields on feature cards

What is the challenge? We use several different estimate fields on our feature cards (initial, detailed, time remaining). Currently there are 5 different fields available for the feature cards that all use the same icon. It is difficult to read th...
Jennifer Lange about 2 months ago in Backlogs 0 Future consideration

Allow exit criteria for each status in a workflow board to help users understand when they should progress an item to the next status.

What is the challenge? this information is currently stored outside of the tool making it unlikely for users to follow company guidance What is the impact? teams are progressing items that are not ready. we are building exceptions reports to fulfi...
Guest 2 months ago in Workflow boards 0 Future consideration

Could we add a coffee cup during the Planning Poker?

What is the challenge? Team Members sometimes wants to have more time to discuss the issues in poker planning, but there is no way to communicate back What is the impact? People are using big numbers in the planning pokers to represent the issues ...
Guest 3 months ago in Development 0 Future consideration