Make users/certain roles select a template before creating a page in the knowledge base.
What is the challenge? Need to maintain the look of customer-facing pages What is the impact? Over time, pages stop looking uniform Describe your idea I would like the ability to make users/certain roles select a template before creating a page in...
Mark T
7 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration
Restrict users/certain roles from editing, moving, or deleting certain material on a page/template in the knowledge base (in other words, limit some users to writing, editing, deleting, etc to just certain parts of the page).
What is the challenge? Need certain material to remain constant across pages What is the impact? Over time, pages can be modified and become non-uniform Describe your idea
I would like the ability to restrict users/certain roles from editing, mo...
Mark T
7 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration
Ability to nest notes from other workspaces under notes in the navigation
What is the challenge? I often publish notes from across workspaces. Even though these notes are related to distinct product areas, they share common themes. And my navigation in my knowledge base is structured around those themes. When adding not...
Scott Goldblatt
7 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration
Ability to change color and remove table borders in Notes
What is the challenge? When creating a table in Knowledge, I'm unable to remove borders or change their color What is the impact? If I need to lay the page out in a specific way, one way to accomplish this is to use a table; however, I don't alway...
Jeff Bye
7 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration
Bulk edit workspace sharing permissions on documents
What is the challenge? I have a need to hide a folder of documents in my Knowledge Advanced hierarchy. I am working on a new idea. And I am laying it out in notes under a folder, to keep the thoughts together. I don't yet know how many documents I...
Melissa Hopkins
7 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration
Ability to format how text appears in relation to an image in Notes
What is the challenge? When adding an image into a Note that's meant for a Knowledge Base, there is no flexibility to control how the text wraps around an image. What is the impact? This limits how we are able to create notes with images that shou...
Jeff Bye
7 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration
Control path and slug of knowledge base document's URL
What is the challenge? Replatforming an existing knowledge base to Aha! requires editing all intra-knowledge base hyperlinks since part of the published Aha! document's URL is systematically assigned and not controlled by the document author. What...
Streamline the way that we create a text-link to a different page in a Knowledge Base
What is the challenge? Creating a link from one topic to another takes too much time. Currently, you need to: 1) Go to the destination topic and copy its URL, 2) Return to the topic in which you want to create the link, 3) Select the text to be li...
David Yelenchic
7 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration
The knowledge base needs a search and replace function.
What is the challenge? When editing other people's writing, many mistakes are repeated (e.g., two spaces after a period; "&" instead of "and"). What is the impact? Have to manually fix each one. This approach is tedious and slow. Describe your...
Mark T
7 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration
Have simple excel functions on document tables & linking cell data to graphical charts
What is the challenge? Workspace documents can't link elements together for auto updates without complicated reporting set-ups. Existing functions are very manual and basic. What is the impact? Reduce a lot of manual data entry and editing in Work...
7 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration