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Fully support exporting Key Results to a whiteboard as records

For teams tracking Objectives and Key Results they’d like to export their Key Results into a whiteboard as records like they can with other supported record types like Goals, Initiatives, Ideas, etc..
Justin Waldorf 5 months ago in Whiteboards 0 Planning to implement

Make fullscreen option in Aha! Whiteboards & Knowledge easier to find

What is the challenge? Users love the fullscreen mode option available in knowledge and whiteboards, but sometimes they struggle to find it or do not know it exists. What is the impact? This can be frustrating. Your page may feel restricted or spa...
Chris Quigley 5 months ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Make sharing a whiteboard/knowledge link more obvious

What is the challenge? The options for sharing different URL links in Knowledge and Whiteboards all look very similar. What is the impact? There is a tool-tip which you can hover over to explain what the link does, but it is still too easy to shar...
Chris Quigley 5 months ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Make it easier to follow a dependency line in a whiteboard

What is the challenge? If you add a lot of lines to a whiteboard they can be hard to follow. What is the impact? This can make whiteboards confusing and hard to use. Describe your idea If you click a line it would highlight the line and make it st...
Chris Quigley 5 months ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Snap connector in Whiteboards

What is the challenge? With complex whiteboards containing a lot of objects, it can be difficult to connect one object to another without lines overlapping. What is the impact? A lot of lines can make whiteboards look very messy and it can be time...
Chris Quigley 5 months ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Occasional bugs with whiteboards: delete or resize text boxes.

What is the challenge? There are occasional persistent bugs with whiteboards: text boxes cannot be deleted or resized. The bugs do not necessarily disappear after refreshing the page. What is the impact? Continuous troubleshooting. Describe your i...
Ian Babelon 6 months ago in Whiteboards 1 Planning to implement

Shade an entire row or column in a table on a whiteboard

What is the challenge? Shaded columns and rows help the user visible see what is a header versus what are cells/data. Currently you can shade table rows/columns in the text editor, but you cannot do so in Whiteboards. What is the impact? You have ...
Emily Yankush 6 months ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Ability to apply Advanced suite options to select users.

What is the challenge? The Advanced suite of options Aha provides are enticing but not all of our licensed users would benefit from or use the advanced functionality. This alone make the cost to upgrade any of the advanced options extremely challe...
Heidi Sorensen 6 months ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Allow changing the color of the pen tool before drawing

What is the challenge? I couldn't find where to change the color of the pen. What is the impact? I found a way to change the color after drawing with the pen tool, but I need to change it for every single stroke. Describe your idea
Anton Kuzmenko 8 months ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Export whiteboards to PDF

What is the challenge? Want to download and share a PDF version of a whiteboard What is the impact? More easily distribute a whiteboard in a universal format Describe your idea Add an option to export a whiteboard as a PDF, in addition to the exis...
Sarah Moisan-Thomas 10 months ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration