Generally, it would be useful to apply filters on whiteboards to show/hide objects based on fields from the linked Roadmap record. For example: In PI Planning, I have a custom "team" field on features. Bringing those records into a whiteboard to v...
Jeanette Resnikoff
over 1 year ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Ability to link a whiteboard record to an existing record in Aha
I am loving the new whiteboard functionality and will be reviewing our use of a competitor (Miro) who has a set of similar functionality. I appreciate that I can create a new Aha record when brainstorming in the whiteboard. However, we often have ...
over 1 year ago
in Whiteboards
Already exists
Bulk action to restrict sharing on notes and whiteboards for a specific user
Currently, notes and whiteboards are shared individually with stakeholders outside the Aha! system, but also then have to be restricted individually if a person should no longer have access. Please add functionality that would allow administrators...
Kalyndra Craven
almost 2 years ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Don't require a color selection for each sticky note
When brainstorming quickly, it's helpful to be able to pop sticky notes onto a whiteboard, but choosing a color every time slows me down. I would rather have the option to change the color if needed, but have a persistent color selection until tha...
Reilly O'Connor
about 2 years ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Provide a consolidated experience for managing personal and workspace notes
Aha! Create provides a consolidated view for managing notes and whiteboards in a list or calendar view. Within Aha! Roadmaps, this is also available via My work > My notes. However, workspace notes are accessed via a different location -- Info ...
Austin Merritt
about 2 years ago
in Notes / Whiteboards
Future consideration
Add ability to create to-do from whiteboard object
In addition to being able to create an idea, feature, epic, etc from a whiteboard object, it would also be helpful to be able to create a to-do. When brainstorming, action items often arise that need to be assigned to specific individuals; it woul...
Reilly O'Connor
about 2 years ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Use custom layouts when creating new features from Aha whiteboard shapes
What is the challenge? We use a custom layout for new features. What is the impact? We don't get all of the usual information fields that we need Describe your idea When creating features, etc from whiteboards, follow the default custom layout.
Becky G
1 day ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration