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My ideas: API

Showing 63

Enable filtering on custom fields in Custom Table Records List API

Who would benefit? Any customer using custom tables, particularly those integrating with other data sources or needing API-based filtering capabilities What impact would it make? Scripting updates from other sources of truth such as taxonomy syste...
Guest 11 months ago in API 0 Future consideration

Ability to search comments through API

Who would benefit? Comments to an idea can be added by almost anyone, even if they are not the original owner of the idea, and even without admin permissions. So, if we enabled API search for comments, a non-admin user could add a searchable hasht...
Guest 11 months ago in API 0 Future consideration

Delivery Risks via API

Who would benefit? Users wanting to access this data externally What impact would it make? Allow users to use this data outside of Aha (i.e. external reports, dashboards, etc.). This would allow us to keep track of when something is at risk. How s...
Guest 12 months ago in API 0 Future consideration

Trigger activity webhook event when a custom table field value is added or updated

Who would benefit? Users of the activity webhook would like to know when updates to custom table field values take place What impact would it make? How should it work? When a user updates or adds a value to a field within a custom table, that shou...
Will Lawrence about 1 year ago in API / Integrations 0 Future consideration

Add 'identity provider type' attribute to 'Update user' API endpoint

Who would benefit? Customers who manage user provisioning and updates through SSO and automated API processes What impact would it make? Customers can manage their user's authentication method en masse through the API - especially helpful with lar...
Justin Waldorf about 1 year ago in API 0 Future consideration

Return raw value changes in /api/v1/audits

What it looks now: { "audits": [ { "changes": [ { "field_name": "Assigned to user", "value": "Default assignee → Anton Aha", } ] } ]} Proposal: { "audits": [ { "changes": [ { "field_name": "Assigned to user", "value": "Default assignee &a...
Anton Kuzmenko over 1 year ago in API 0 Unlikely to implement

API to list requirements related to a Release

I have several integrations made via the REST API. Sometimes I need to be able to list all the Requirement items within a Release. As these belongs to Features, the only way I have is to list all the Features for a Release, and then cycle through ...
Nicola Rolando over 1 year ago in API 0 Future consideration

Scope / granular permissions for API Access

Hi All, currently every user with Aha! access can create an api token or authorize Apps to use the Api. And the Scope is tied to the user itself and not configurable. When it comes to projects, utilizing the API, it is the Application Owner / Admi...
Oliver Berger over 1 year ago in API 0 Future consideration

Ability to filter on category for Ideas API

For the "List ideas for a product" endpoint, it would be useful to have the ability to filter on categories. Users have this ability within ideas portals, but there doesn't seem to be a way to achieve this in the API.
Kieran Scott over 1 year ago in API 0 Future consideration

Ability to filter on visibility for Ideas API

For "List ideas" and "List ideas for a product" endpoints, it would be useful to have the ability to filter on visibility values. In my application I want to display a list of just ideas with specific visibility values, not all values. Currently I...
Kieran Scott over 1 year ago in API 0 Future consideration