When creating or changing a team, there is an option to manually set the teams capacity instead of having it calculated from #people*schedule. However, the manually set capacity is not reflected in the capacity report. The only way around this is ...
Fredrik Örn
about 3 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Hi there! love Aha! its an awesome tool, however we are having problems with timetracking, would it be possible to have something like Tempo in Jira? thanks and hope this makes it through!
My agile development team uses story points for estimation. Once work is in progress, I want my developers to log work in time. This helps me understand where their time is going, and to inform future estimates for planning.
The out of the box field Estimate used in capacity planning - should be customizable so we can relabel as needed. The field should also be able to include roll over help text.
Show capacity allocated for a team in the capacity report for an Epic even if the dates in Epic don't include the month the capacity is entered for
Need to be able to see that a team has a capacity estimate entered in a scenario capacity plan against every Epic that has capacity entered for that team for the month using the capacity report by team, even if the Epic dates do not line up with t...
Diane Landante
over 3 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Improve menu language for turning on estimates in features
In the feature edit screen ... menu, the item to turn on the estimates field uses the word "Time tracking history" and then a checkbox. That's highly confusing in organizations that track estimates / effort in points and led our users to not know ...
Bastian Schoell
over 3 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Support Decimals for "Total People" Field Used in Team Capacity Planning
As a user of the Team Capacity Planning feature set, I would like to enter decimal values in the Total People field for each Team, so that the true capacity for each team (e.g. 1.5 FTE) is precisely accounted in capacity assessments. Fractional te...
As an capacity plan user, I would like to be able to adjust advanced estimates for separate date ranges within a work item such as initiative so I can visualize resource movement across initiatives. Currently there is a single date range so all re...
Visual Indication when team has no Capacity on Capcity Report
When viewing the capacity report, if a team has no capacity to work on initiatives, it would be great to have a visual indicator that they have 0 hours available for initiatives. Right now when you view it, it looks like they're not being used at ...