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Capacity planning

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Calculate Overcapacity

We are using the Capacity Report in this way: Each team is configured by a qty of people on the team Each feature we are expected to complete in Q2 is marked with a date range of 4/1/23 through 6/30/23, and the Advanced Estimate is used to specify...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Ability to view and edit "people" without having to go to a capacity report

Currently the only way to edit "people" is to go to their team in the config, or via a capacity report. eg change their schedule. It would seem to make more sense to see this data in the users profile (with the correct permissions).
Jason Hollis about 2 years ago in Capacity planning / Development 0 Future consideration

Capacity planning - advanced estimates warnings

Dear Aha Team, Problem: you can estimate hours/people in advanced estimate that are outside plan duration dates (these can be manual or inherited). It leads capacity plan to ignore these entries and present false data on capacity view. This is ext...
Tomasz S over 2 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Use Epic Estimates option on Initiative

As a Product Owner who reports on the strategy initiatives, I would like for my "estimate" field on the epics to roll up to the Initiatives "estimate" field in a similar manner as Feature estimate's roll up to Epic's estimate field with the "Use f...
Guest over 2 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Feature/Requirement estimate association impact on remaining estimate

When a feature has "Use requirements estimates" enabled and there are no requirements added, a feature estimate can be entered. However, capacity planning does not update the following: 1) When the Progress field is based on remaining estimate, it...
Jennifer Lange over 2 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Allow Aha base field values to be set based on custom worksheet fields

Custom worksheets and the fields within them allow powerful formula-based derivation of values but the base Aha fields in many cases allow certain things to be driven across the application. For example, the capacity field in releases or estimate ...
Arun Kalyanaraman almost 3 years ago in Capacity planning / Features 0 Future consideration

Capacity Planning for Teams: Allow Team level ranking

When teams work across products we need the ability to rank items within their own list of items to support the planning processes.
Michael Bruner over 3 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Re-label Estimate field

The out of the box field Estimate used in capacity planning - should be customizable so we can relabel as needed. The field should also be able to include roll over help text.
Guest over 3 years ago in Capacity planning 2 Future consideration

Ability to Adjust which feature statuses are included in Capacity Calculation

No description provided
Kinga B over 3 years ago in Capacity planning / Features 1 Future consideration

Update Demand/Capacity Terminology to eliminate confusion

Currently, throughout Aha! and in the documentation the term Capacity is used loosely to imply both Capacity or Demand. This is creating confusion amongst our users and we request that Aha! clarifies the terminology to distinguish between demand a...
Karla Johnson over 3 years ago in Account settings / Capacity planning 0 Future consideration