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Capacity planning

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Ability to request to borrow a resource from a team

An initiative can be assigned to one of more teams, each with their own estimate. Sometimes we need a specialized skill set (eg. a front-end developer) to contribute to that initiative for a finite duration (ie. one week). We need an ability to re...
Mark Eaves over 3 years ago in Capacity planning / Features 1 Future consideration

relative time-based estimates in capacity planning

Context: One of the main activities when planning for capacity is rescheduling activities until each team's capacity is maximized but not exceeded . An activity (feature/epic/initiative) might be rescheduled multiple times in this process, until a...
Gianmarco Spiga over 4 years ago in Capacity planning 3 Future consideration

Capacity Planning data from Azure DevOps and Jira

We would like the ability to integrate and/or pull in allocation data from delivery tools Azure DevOps and Jira
Melody Gibson over 2 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

What if planning assistance

What is the challenge? It's rare when planning the next quarter/s that you have any real data about the size of the work you are planning. You can get engineering to do detailed estimates but that's wasteful and usually wrong, you can use gut feel...
Mike Lowery 8 months ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Estimate & report capacity at a to-do level, roll up to requirement and then to feature

Often there are multiple folks working on a feature and even at a requirement/user story level, there could be multiple folks working. The ability to roll the combined efforts from 'to-do' to requirement and then to the feature (and include in the...
Arun Kalyanaraman over 4 years ago in Capacity planning 3 Future consideration

Capacity Planning Report: Add fields to Detail Portion of Report

We would like the ability to add a few fields to the detail view to help decide which Features/Epics we need to cut, renegotiate, or move to other teams. We have two custom fields that would be helpful to add here (Feature Priority and PI - Planni...
Guest over 1 year ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Weigh epics based on story points for initiative progress

Not all of my epics under an initiative are equal size and Aha is considering them that way, which makes the progress inaccurate. For example, there are 5 epics under an initiative and Aha is treating them all as 20% of the Initiative. I want to t...
Guest over 1 year ago in Capacity planning / Epic 0 Future consideration

Be able to use CSV to Import People into teams for Capacity Planning

What is the challenge? Currently need to manually add people to teams for capacity planning What is the impact? Manual input which takes time if you have a lot of teams Describe your idea Be able to create a CSV file to do the import
Suraiya Gobeil 9 months ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Capacity Estimates - Need the Ability to Sort and Filter

We need the ability to filter/sort a list report to highlight Features that do not yet have an Initial Sizing. This is important as we are looking to "draw the line" as to which features can be brought into PI Planning.
Guest over 1 year ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Ability to run a report that lists all virtual users and which teams they are part of

We have been using the advanced capacity planner and used that to define allocation of our engineers by teams. We are trying to get the list of our virtual users with the various teams they are defined as part of. We are looking for a way to expor...
Cyril Bousquet over 4 years ago in Capacity planning / Schedules 1 Future consideration