Be able to select a default scenario for all users (Capacity Planning)
Right now, when you add a new scenario (even if it is just a test scenario), all users will be defaulted to that new scenario. We will have dozens of people using the tool, so the inability to get them to all set their own defaults to our standard...
relative time-based estimates in capacity planning
Context: One of the main activities when planning for capacity is rescheduling activities until each team's capacity is maximized but not exceeded . An activity (feature/epic/initiative) might be rescheduled multiple times in this process, until a...
Gianmarco Spiga
over 4 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Estimate & report capacity at a to-do level, roll up to requirement and then to feature
Often there are multiple folks working on a feature and even at a requirement/user story level, there could be multiple folks working. The ability to roll the combined efforts from 'to-do' to requirement and then to the feature (and include in the...
Arun Kalyanaraman
over 4 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
We use initiatives to track progress at a high level. The initiatives contain master features and features. Each feature is estimated in story points and no 2 features are the same size. In the current scenario, if I have 10 features within an ini...
samir karandikar
over 5 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Would you consider adding the Capacity planning for Parking lot as well? The section is there, but it is missing the link to set a capacity and the capacity status bar showing work remaining etc. So since the parking lot is basically a copy of the...
almost 9 years ago
in Capacity planning
Unlikely to implement
Show how much capacity remaining "above the line" when planning on the road map
Right now I need to do mental math to figure out how many days I have "above the line" on the road map relative to the list of projects that are currently below it to see what I can fit in. It would be awesome if the line could display how many av...
Update feature dates based on changes to remaining estimate
What is the challenge? Scenario: You have entered a detailed estimate and started logging work. You realize that there is a lot more work to do, so you update the remaining estimate to reflect the additional time required to complete it. Currently...
Chris Quigley
9 months ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
I use named ranges for adding t-shirt size estimates to my epics. I want to roll these estimates up across epics to the associated initiative so I can easily understand the effort and costs of the full initiative.
This roll-up works for other sce...
Max Robbins
10 months ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Teams using capacity planning for teams, planning with named ranges (e.g. t-shirt sizes) What impact would it make? Today, I am only able to report on the specific estimate associated with a record, not the named range value tha...
Reilly O'Connor
about 1 year ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Best estimate on epics is confusing when child feature estimates are not complete
Who would benefit? Situation: I am using the best estimate on an epic. The epic has 2 child features with no estimates. My epic is set to calculate detailed estimate from child features Result: The epic shows the detailed estimate as Σ0 and not bl...
Max Robbins
over 1 year ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration