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Capacity planning

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Need to track estimates and actual story points separately, and display on Feature board

At Intuit, we are looking at two different effort values - estimated points at solution completion, and actual points based on development team's user stories during implementation. To be clear, we look at feature allocation with estimates based o...
Guest over 6 years ago in Capacity planning / Features 0 Shipped
104 VOTE

Link a scorecard to a custom field

Hello, in my company we have several development teams working on the same product. Therefore we create a custom scorecard to be able to have an estimate for each team involved in each feature. We also have a custom field with the teams involved i...
Guest over 7 years ago in Capacity planning / Features 0 Shipped
108 VOTE

Capacity Planning by Master Feature Estimates

Often when new Feature requests come in they are at, what we consider to be the Master Feature level...basically an Epic. For future releases, we hold a Release Planning session where our engineers apply high level estimates to Master Feature that...
Guest over 7 years ago in Capacity planning / Releases 19 Shipped

Add the concept of "planning increments" to help manage capacity more realistically

At the moment it is very easy to over- or under- plan high level capacity by having releases overlap, or by having big gaps amongst releases. This is very dangerous, and either results in unrealistic expectations being set to stakeholders and/or c...
Nigel Smith about 8 years ago in Capacity planning / Releases 1 Shipped
110 VOTE

Customize hours in a day for capacity estimates

It would be nice if I could customize what a day means in actual hours so that when our work integrates with JIRA it doesn't blow up the hours the wrong way. For example - a day for us means 10 hours of work. However, I can't customize that so whe...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Capacity planning 11 Shipped

Add ability to change default unit of measure to h, w, m (day is always default)

All our capacity planning is done is person month. We know we can enter in month using 3m (for 3 months) that gets than translated into days. It would be very helpful to chose Product Line wide and product wide (perhaps even release) what the defa...
Chris Waters about 10 years ago in Capacity planning 5 Shipped