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Capacity planning

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Include original and remaining story point estimates in filters

I would like to be able to create a list report that shows all features with a remaining effort greater than 0. Currently, the Feature original estimate and the Feature remaining effort fields are not included in those allowed to be included in so...
Tim Sellers almost 4 years ago in Capacity planning / Features 2 Future consideration

Ability to vary a team's cost by calendar year

A team will have a defined cost that is applicable for the calendar year. When putting together a multi-year plan, there needs to be a way to account for factors that will cause the team's cost to increase (e.g. inflation). There needs to be an ab...
Mark Eaves over 4 years ago in Account settings / Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Limit previous months visibility on Capacity Planning - Set Advanced Estimate Screen by time

I would like to limit the number of visible months in the Capacity Planning Detail view for any of my initiatives. See source issue:
Mike Jacobson over 4 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Planning 'What if' capacity planning scenarios

Many teams (typically at larger organisations) want to determine how their longer term strategic roadmap (3-5 years) will be impacted if they make adjustments to people, dates, funding or other assumptions using 'What if' analysis. This analysis c...
Gary Cohen 6 months ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Support named ranges with points as the base unit

What is the challenge? Named ranges require users to set ranges corresponding to time estimates. However, many teams use points as their common way of estimating. T-shirt sizes will correspond to a range of points. Points are also what come back a...
Max Robbins 8 months ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Aha! Develop: Split an individual's work schedule between 2 teams for capacity planning

My goal is to split a person's time between 2 teams (50/50). I'd like to have a schedule per team, so that I can indicate the days (or % of their time) they'll work on each team. Currently there is one schedule per individual, which is shared by a...
Dale Potter over 2 years ago in Capacity planning / Development 0 Future consideration

List Reports - Bulk Edit Scenarios and Advanced Estimates

Allowing users to bulk edit scenarios along with advanced estimates would help us save a bunch of time when we're doing capacity planning.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Capacity planning / Reports 0 Future consideration

Be able to select a default scenario for all users (Capacity Planning)

Right now, when you add a new scenario (even if it is just a test scenario), all users will be defaulted to that new scenario. We will have dozens of people using the tool, so the inability to get them to all set their own defaults to our standard...
Megan Sanders almost 4 years ago in Account settings / Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

relative time-based estimates in capacity planning

Context: One of the main activities when planning for capacity is rescheduling activities until each team's capacity is maximized but not exceeded . An activity (feature/epic/initiative) might be rescheduled multiple times in this process, until a...
Gianmarco Spiga over 4 years ago in Capacity planning 3 Future consideration

Estimate & report capacity at a to-do level, roll up to requirement and then to feature

Often there are multiple folks working on a feature and even at a requirement/user story level, there could be multiple folks working. The ability to roll the combined efforts from 'to-do' to requirement and then to the feature (and include in the...
Arun Kalyanaraman over 4 years ago in Capacity planning 3 Future consideration