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My ideas: Capacity planning

Showing 174

Limited layout functionality on capacity team record

Who would benefit? Users who would like to add custom fields to the account settings > capacity planning > teams view What impact would it make? Ability to add custom tabs and add rows to a custom table How should it work? When editing the l...
Kristina Gass over 1 year ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Best estimate on epics is confusing when child feature estimates are not complete

Who would benefit? Situation: I am using the best estimate on an epic. The epic has 2 child features with no estimates. My epic is set to calculate detailed estimate from child features Result: The epic shows the detailed estimate as Σ0 and not bl...
Max Robbins over 1 year ago in Capacity planning 1 Future consideration

Add delivery risk check for missing initial estimate

We use the initial estimate field for early product planning. While the "No detailed estimate" field helps for our detailed planning stage, we want similar functionality that checks for missing initial estimates to support our earlier planning.
Jeff Tucker over 1 year ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Capacity Planning Report: Add fields to Detail Portion of Report

We would like the ability to add a few fields to the detail view to help decide which Features/Epics we need to cut, renegotiate, or move to other teams. We have two custom fields that would be helpful to add here (Feature Priority and PI - Planni...
Guest over 1 year ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

'Add as logged time' setting only works on initial completion

Current behavior (working as expected): Create a feature in Aha! And send it to Jira Update the “Story Points” field in Jira to 10p which syncs back to Aha! Change the Jira Story status to ‘Done’ which syncs back to Aha! and updates the ‘actual ef...
Max Robbins over 1 year ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

cumulative, by week, month, year, etc. for the load

cumulative, by week, month, year, etc. for load / capacity with cumulative by week, month, year, etc.
Guest over 1 year ago in Capacity planning 2 Future consideration

number of people in a team with one decimal place

Hello, I would like to be able to enter a number of people in a team with a comma (decimal point). for example, in the Back team I have 2.5 developers
Guest over 1 year ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Allow breakdown by Team for Detailed Estimates

The Initial Estimate Field of Epics and Features allows breaking down the effort values by Team. However, the Detailed Estimate Field does not allow effort to be broken down by team. You can only enter a value, but you cannot assign it to a specif...
Valentina Morales over 1 year ago in Capacity planning 4 Future consideration

Weigh epics based on story points for initiative progress

Not all of my epics under an initiative are equal size and Aha is considering them that way, which makes the progress inaccurate. For example, there are 5 epics under an initiative and Aha is treating them all as 20% of the Initiative. I want to t...
Guest over 1 year ago in Capacity planning / Epic 0 Future consideration

Capacity Estimates - Need the Ability to Sort and Filter

We need the ability to filter/sort a list report to highlight Features that do not yet have an Initial Sizing. This is important as we are looking to "draw the line" as to which features can be brought into PI Planning.
Guest over 1 year ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration