Who would benefit? Everyone What impact would it make? Accelerating the use of Ideas as an input to Initiatives to form scope for Features for product managers, analysts, UX, and engineering. How should it work? In the Bulk Edit menu and in the Li...
over 1 year ago
in Ideas research
Future consideration
Have a Library of Stock Images/Icons in Aha for Poll Thumbnails
Who would benefit? Very busy Product Professionals What impact would it make? It would allow us to quickly spin up a professional looking image as a thumbnail for our polls without having to do extra research or potentially using an image with cop...
Jackie B
over 1 year ago
in Polls
Future consideration
Similar to how a Poll is boxed to highlight it a Question should be boxed or highlighted so that it is obvious and replies to that question sit under so people are encouraged to reply to a specific question that those running the session want to g...
Daniel Lynch
over 1 year ago
in Empathy sessions
Future consideration
If an idea is promoted to a req within a feature, it doesn't show up on the research tab on the feature. I think it would make sense to bubble up these ideas for visibility on the research tab. Not sure if it also makes sense to do the same thing ...
Be able to send a custom reminder email during an Empathy Session
An Empathy Session can be a week long. And our users get wrapped up in their day to day and it is easy to forget about the session. I have been manually creating google labels for group emails to remind them a couple of times during the week. "Tha...
almost 2 years ago
in Empathy sessions
Future consideration
Provide configuration for the email content sent to Empathy Session invitees. We can do some but not all. The default below the dates does not necessarily apply to each situation.
about 2 years ago
in Empathy sessions
Future consideration
When I reply to a comment in an Empathy session, the person who wrote the initial comment should be notified.
I created and Empathy session. However, when I replied to comments within the Empathy session, nobody was notified. Therefore, unless they scrolled back through the comments, they would never know.
about 2 years ago
in Empathy sessions
Future consideration
Allow for easier adding of contacts when not adding from an idea
I wanted to invite a group of customers I work with on a project to an empathy session. Inviting them one at a time is a tedious process. Would like to be able to paste a list of email addresses into the invite list.
over 3 years ago
in Empathy sessions
Future consideration
Add ability to paste screen captures into the Support form
It'd be extremely useful if the Support form would let me paste screen captures into it rather than need to create a file from my screen capture, save it, and then upload it.
Sharon D
over 3 years ago
in In-app feedback
Future consideration
Currently i use the Guide section to design what im going to say however there is no way to easily copy a section form the guide into the live session, this means creating polls is slow and adding images is slow. I want to be able to design what w...
Naill Mclean
over 3 years ago
in Empathy sessions
Future consideration