Provide configuration for the email content sent to Empathy Session invitees. We can do some but not all. The default below the dates does not necessarily apply to each situation.
about 2 years ago
in Empathy sessions
Future consideration
When I reply to a comment in an Empathy session, the person who wrote the initial comment should be notified.
I created and Empathy session. However, when I replied to comments within the Empathy session, nobody was notified. Therefore, unless they scrolled back through the comments, they would never know.
about 2 years ago
in Empathy sessions
Future consideration
Choose between single choice or multiple choice polls
It would be helpful to have a multiple choice polling option in addition to single choice so poll participants can select multiple of the provided answers.
Rose Smith
about 2 years ago
in Polls
Future consideration
Depedendent questions would be the ability to have future questions that are triggered by the previous. Effectively, poll takers would never see all the quesions but rather the relevant ones based on their responses. This would allow a poll taker ...
Martin Baugh
over 2 years ago
in Polls
Future consideration
This is a need for us in order to get feedback on our product. We are not interested in a shared feedback widget, but interested in individual feedback from every single user. We don't want to 'spam' our users/customers with feedback from other us...
Julie Jensen
over 2 years ago
in In-app feedback
Future consideration
In addition to mockups and images, it needs to support videos. This would allow us to create polls that give our portal users a short preview of whatever we are trying to get feedback on.
Kelly Sebes
over 2 years ago
in Polls
Future consideration
As someone with decent eye sight I find the font size to be too small.
In Aha it is often difficult to read text because the font size is too small. My eye sight is quite good. It must be especially hard for people with poor eyesight.
almost 3 years ago
in Ideas research
Future consideration
Import transcribed audio recordings into empathy sessions
Part of our research ops process includes live, in-person, sessions with single and multiple users which we record and have transcribed. However, bringing those conversations into an Aha! Empathy Session is a BIG pain in that we have to copy/paste...
Andy Shaffer
over 3 years ago
in Empathy sessions
Future consideration