Allow polls to show in app without clicking on the thumbs up /down button
We tried using the polls widget but did not get much engagement with the thumbs up/down button. It would be helpful if the poll showed on screen without having to take that action so that we can get more engagement with all users.
Debra Hunter
over 1 year ago
in Polls
Future consideration
If an idea is promoted to a req within a feature, it doesn't show up on the research tab on the feature. I think it would make sense to bubble up these ideas for visibility on the research tab. Not sure if it also makes sense to do the same thing ...
It'd be really helpful to put a 'similar ideas' section on the new Research tab to help find other similar ideas you might have missed. Then there could be a 1-click promote button that would promote it to the current feature.
Include ideas in both Research Tab and Related Tab
Having ideas included in the list of other research assets makes sense when I want to view all of the work that went into defining an initiative or feature. However, there is also a need to see all related items in a single location. For this, I w...
Bonnie Trei
over 1 year ago
in Ideas research
Future consideration
Whiteboards are a very visual concept. I would like to be able to see a preview/thumbnail of my whiteboards in the concepts section of the research tab as the title alone might not be enough for me to decide if that is the asset I want to review. ...
Bonnie Trei
over 1 year ago
in Ideas research
Future consideration
When viewing the research tab, the first thing I want to see are the ideas related to my record. Ideas are the most likely research item I will have associated with my features and will often drive the creation of the assets I would add to the "co...
Bonnie Trei
over 1 year ago
in Ideas research
Future consideration
Be able to send a custom reminder email during an Empathy Session
An Empathy Session can be a week long. And our users get wrapped up in their day to day and it is easy to forget about the session. I have been manually creating google labels for group emails to remind them a couple of times during the week. "Tha...
over 1 year ago
in Empathy sessions
Future consideration
Right now it appears we can only ask 1 single polling question. I was hoping to add a series of questions to a poll about a single feature that we launched.
David R
almost 2 years ago
in Polls
Future consideration
Provide configuration for the email content sent to Empathy Session invitees. We can do some but not all. The default below the dates does not necessarily apply to each situation.
almost 2 years ago
in Empathy sessions
Future consideration