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Allow Notebooks contributors to create new templates

Give Notebooks contributors the ability to create new templates, or edit existing templates, and save those are new templates. This will save contributors from having to go through a user with a Roadmap seat to complete this task, which will impro...
Guest over 1 year ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Shadow border for images within text fields

Our team uses Aha! notes for our user guides and the white background of the text box can make screenshots not as distinct from each other as we would like. It would be great to be able to enable a shadow border on images.
Emily Millman over 1 year ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

add organizations and contacts to notes using #

When creating a note, I'd like to reference the customer(s) or the contacts that a feature, initiative, or interview is associated with. Goal: I want to look at an organization and be able to see if we've interviewed them, who they talked to, what...
Ryan Hutnick over 2 years ago in Notes 1 Future consideration

Provide a consolidated experience for managing personal and workspace notes

Aha! Create provides a consolidated view for managing notes and whiteboards in a list or calendar view. Within Aha! Roadmaps, this is also available via My work > My notes. However, workspace notes are accessed via a different location -- Info ...
Austin Merritt over 2 years ago in Notes / Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Embed drawing in a Note

At this time, it is possible to embed a Whiteboard in a Note, although it does not render correctly in the PDF export of the note. What this request is about is to allow embedding drawings, and allow a proper PDF export where the drawing s...
Fede Garibaldi over 2 years ago in Notes 2 Will not implement

Product Wiki

It would be beneficial to have a screen that's focused on orienting folks to what the product is and has a space for linking the key documents for quick access by the team members thats managed outside of Aha. Pitch decks, salesforce, rosters, etc.
Guest over 2 years ago in Notes 0 Already exists

Tab to indent text in Notes

Tab currently works for list but not text, pressing tab currently highlights the URL field in the browser and does not indent the text.
Moses Chang over 2 years ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Please include folder structure in notes section under develop

Please include folder option on the notes section under develop. This will help to organize the notes based on category. Also, would provide a structure when accessing them at a later time.
Rebeka Sultana over 2 years ago in Notes 0 Already exists

Allow Workspace Notes to be shown in the Product Line Level Notes.

As a manager of line of products, I want to see the notes of each of my individual product mangers' workspaces to be available and viewable in my notes section. If I am in Product Line view, I want to see all notes from underlying workspaces. If I...
Guest over 3 years ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Don't automatically open links in notes/descriptions in a new tab

When you try to open a link from a note/description in a new tab, some javascript automatically opens the link in a new tab and changes the focus to it. Opening a link in a new tab should be done in the background, like when done with the middle m...
Michel Billard over 3 years ago in Notes 0 Future consideration