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Checkboxes in notes

It would be great if checkboxes could be added into the description of Notes, so things like a rolling meeting agenda could be tracked more efficiently. If this means a Markdown style feature in notes, that would definitely work.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Notes 0 Shipped

HTML tables in Notes should permit the copy/paste of one column or one row

Currently, a table in a Product Note can be copy/paste only entirely (from first cell to last). It is not possible to select only on colomn or one row. The copy doesn't work.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Notes 0 Shipped

Report on a document (or whiteboards) created by user

It would be helpful to report on document and whiteboard created by users as we can with other Aha! records in an effort to audit who is creating notes and where within the account. This detail is also helpful in identifying the author of document...
Justin Waldorf 3 months ago in Notes / Whiteboards 0 Shipped

Search personal documents

Use case: I use personal notes to organize my own thoughts. I want to be able to find them quickly in the search modal. Idea: Make it easier to search personal notes and whiteboards in the search modal
Julie Price almost 2 years ago in Notes / Search / Whiteboards 0 Shipped