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Include Requirements when using AI Draft Release notes from a release

Who would benefit? PMs What impact would it make? Save time from creating a list report How should it work? Using AI Draft Release notes directly from a release doesn't allow you to pull in requirements of features that are contained within that r...
Terence Osmeña 11 months ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Import OneNote documents into Aha! notes

I have an existing library of content in OneNote. I'm exploring Aha! Develop to manage my product development, and would like to migrate my OneNote pages into Aha! Develop.
Jeff Tucker almost 3 years ago in Knowledge base / Notes 0 Future consideration

"Created" and "Last Updated" dates for Product/Notes

Please add system metadata items (dates) "created" and "last updated" for each "Product/Note" please.
Guest about 8 years ago in Notes 0 Will not implement

Bulk import from HTML or JSON into notes

What is the challenge? Moving from a different KB source into Aha! Knowledge requires manual copying, pasting, and reformatting. How would you solve it? An import tool that accepts HTML or JSON would speed up this process. What impact would it mak...
Emily Yankush 6 months ago in Knowledge base / Notes 1 Future consideration

Ability to add helper text in description templates

Who would benefit? All notebook users creating a document from a template What impact would it make? Today users creating product artefacts from a template will typically have helper text to help guide the experience... so normally their first tas...
Aha@IBM 10 months ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Add ability to sort tables in notes

Who would benefit? anyone trying to present data in a note What impact would it make? would help readability of notes How should it work? Would like to be able to sort a table of feedback from the client by a column (ex. priority) or a table of cl...
Jennifer Lange 11 months ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Inherit Document Access settings

It would be useful to define default Document Access settings for notes/whiteboards at parent line levels to be inherited down to workspaces instead of needing to make setting changes for each workspace individually
Jeanette Resnikoff 12 months ago in Notes / Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Add in-line comments to aha! views (reports) in notes

Currently we use MS Word for a lot of our reporting, and we would like to make the switch to notes to share our status updates thanks to the dynamic reporting and aha! views that we can embed and update on the fly. However, we also make extensive ...
Nerissa Muijs over 2 years ago in Comments / Notifications / Notes 0 Future consideration

Search for notes by emojis

The new emoji feature allows me to organize my notes by specific emojis. It would be amazing if I could search for my notes by the note title emoji.
Nathaniel Collum about 4 years ago in Application / Notes 0 Future consideration

Allow the selection and copy of text from a note without marking the note as updated

Currently anytime someone clicks into and selects text from a note, those watching the note get notified that the note was updated, when in reality all that happened was someone highlighted and copied text out of it. This gives a lot of false posi...
Matt Case over 4 years ago in Notes 0 Likely to implement