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Export an Aha! note to Word

We like to maintain our playbook information or various templates as notes in Aha!, but need the ability to export a note to Word so that it can be utilizes for a specific need that requires collaboration internal and external to our organization ...
Karie Kelly almost 3 years ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Display "last updated" date on the notes page (Info > Notes)

Displaying the "last updated" date as part of the notes page (without needing to drill into version history) would provide viewers and the kb owner with quick insight on how up-to-date the note is.
Matt Case over 4 years ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Custom Prompts for Aha Draft with AI Writing Assistant

What is the challenge? Aha Draft with AI Writing Assistant currently offers three preloaded options: announcement release notes newsletter However, this limited selection doesn't accommodate all of our needs. We would love the ability to create cu...
Michael DaCruz 6 months ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Embed a webpage within a Note in a KB

What is the challenge? When creating documentation to share in a Knowledge Base, sometimes you want to include information from another site. Currently you have to either : Copy and paste that content into the KB, so you have to maintain it in two...
Emily Yankush 10 months ago in Knowledge base / Notes 1 Future consideration

Save custom highlight colors in text editor

I find the default text highlight colors too muted — typically I want to highlight something to make sure people notice and choose a bright "highlighter yellow." However, I have to keep updating the hex every time. I wish that the text editor...
Molly Jane Quinn over 1 year ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Add "documentation templates" to automatically create documents upon record creation

As a product team member, I have a series of documents that need to be captured on every epic (such as a BRD, a kickoff session agenda, and a retrospective agenda). I'd like to define a "template" experience such that when new epics are created, t...
Reilly O'Connor over 1 year ago in Notes / Whiteboards 1 Future consideration

HTML Product Pages

Add the ability to paste HTML code in the WYSIWYG editor on Product Overview and Product Notes pages. Ultimate goal is to be able to create beautiful product pages.
Michael Morrison over 8 years ago in Notes 0 Unlikely to implement

Multi-language support in KBs

What is the challenge? Non-English speaking users need to access content in a KB. Currently a separate KB must be generated in each applicable language. How would you solve it? Provide KB translation. What impact would it make? Allow non-English s...
Emily Yankush 11 months ago in Knowledge base / Notes 3 Future consideration

ability to reference other fields within Aha record when using Draft with Ai

What is the challenge? When using draft with AI and basing the prompt on data that is already within Aha, it is necessary to have multiple windows or documents open in order to provide the prompt with the key points. What is the impact? The abilit...
Austin Wheat 10 months ago in Notes 2 Future consideration

Include Requirements when using AI Draft Release notes from a release

Who would benefit? PMs What impact would it make? Save time from creating a list report How should it work? Using AI Draft Release notes directly from a release doesn't allow you to pull in requirements of features that are contained within that r...
Terence Osmeña over 1 year ago in Notes 0 Future consideration