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Treat labels in Notes as text - similar to callout boxes and links

When using Notes in Aha the labels behave very strangely compared to other text elements that can be inserted in notes. Instead of being able to type inline in the labels, a dialog opens which causes poor accessibility. Some of the issues this cau...
Niklas Gromann over 1 year ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Color Formatting & Macros in Notes

In other Wiki's, the have macros we are able to leverage that are extremely useful for formatting. I'd love to migrate all of our content into the Notes section of Aha! but without some additional color formatting or these macros, it's impossible....
Guest over 6 years ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Allow Workspace Notes to be shown in the Product Line Level Notes.

As a manager of line of products, I want to see the notes of each of my individual product mangers' workspaces to be available and viewable in my notes section. If I am in Product Line view, I want to see all notes from underlying workspaces. If I...
Guest over 3 years ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Collapse/Expand all sections in Product Notes

I have lots of items, grouped in the Product Notes area and would like to be able to bulk expand/collapse these pages/
Julie Edwards over 6 years ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Custom fields inside of notes

Use case: I want to use notes as a way to capture form data in an easy way Idea: Allow me to add custom fields inside of a note
Julie Price over 1 year ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Usability for large notebooks

We love the notebook enhancement, and are beginning to use it for various purposes: Area-specific or standardized process documentation, system-wide QRGs and guidance, and area-specific miscellaneous documentation. As our uses and user base grow, ...
James Compton almost 2 years ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Insert live spreadsheets in rich text fields

It would be great to incorporate prettier tables, but more importantly benefit from being able to perform sums on the go using a spreadsheet embedded in a rich text field. Both office365 and google seem to allow this kind of functionality through ...
warren lester about 7 years ago in Notes 1 Future consideration

Allow copying of AI generated text

When generating text using the awesome AI assistant, it would be great if I could copy the generated text and paste it elsewhere without having to commit to inserting the text first. This is helpful for quickly collaborating in tools like Slack to...
Madeleine Black almost 2 years ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Don't automatically open links in notes/descriptions in a new tab

When you try to open a link from a note/description in a new tab, some javascript automatically opens the link in a new tab and changes the focus to it. Opening a link in a new tab should be done in the background, like when done with the middle m...
Michel Billard over 3 years ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Shrink view to fit container on notes

When adding a report or a roadmap view to a standard note, it would be great if I could shirk the view to fit to container similarly to what I can do on presentation. It would be very useful to reduce scrolling and utilize the space on the note be...
Reut Levi over 3 years ago in Notes 1 Future consideration